Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/55

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against the stream half a sextarius of running water; then take and lay all the worts in the water and wash the writing off the eucharistic dish into it very clean, then pour the hallowed wine from above upon the other, then bear this to church, get masses sung over it, one Omnibus Sanctis, another Contra tribulationem, a a third of St. Mary. Sing these psalms of prayer, Miserere mei, dominus, Deus in nomine tuo, Deus misereatur nobis, Domine Deus, Inclina domine, and the Credo and the Gloria in excelsis domino, aud some litanies; a Paternoster and bless the man earnestly in the name of the Lord Almighty, and say " In the name of the Father " and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost be it blessed." Then use it.

12. For a wen salve; take helenium and radish and chervil and ravens foot, English rape and fennel and sage, and southernwood, and pound them together, and take a good deal of garlic, pound and wring these through a cloth into spoilt honey: when it is thoroughly sodden, then add pepper and zedoary and galingale and ginger and cinnamon and laurel berries and pyre thrum, a good deal of each according to its efficacy; and when the juice of the worts and the honey are so mingled, then seethe thou it twice as strongly as it was before sodden; then wilt thou have a good salve against wens and tightness of the chest. For a good bone salve, which shall be efficient against head ache and against tenderness of all limbs, shall serve rue, radish and dock, flower de luce, feverfue, ash throat, ever throat, celandine, beet and betony, ribwort and red hove, helenium, alexanders roots, cloffing and clote, lithe wort and lambs cre'ss, hillwort, hazel, quitch, woodroffe and a sprout of crosswort, springwort, spearwort, waybroad and wormwood, lupins and seferth, hedgeclivers and hop plant, yarrow and cuckoosour, henbane and broadleek, take of all these worts equal quantities, put them in a mortar, pound them all together, and add thereto