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lO SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. THE OLD LAW-BOOK HOUSE — Established 1S20. Baker, Voorhis, & Co. LawPuWisiiers, Law Booksellers anft Importers, 66 Nassau Street, New York, Respectfully call the attention of the Legal Profession to their large stock of LAW BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, in every department of the Law, comprising many thou- sand volumes, embracing all the STANDARD TREATISES, DIGESTS, etc., BY THE BEST ENOLISH AND AMERIC.VN AUTHORS. The Revised Statutes of the various States; United States, State, and English Reports; a large collection of Legal Pamphlets, Important Trials, Arguments, Periodicals, Public Acts, etc., etc. Our General Stock of Law Books is one of the largest in the country — in some departments the fullest — and we sell at the lowest cash rates. ^JSW LAW-BOOKS — LATEST EDITIONS. All the New Law Publications supplied soon as published. We keep in stoclt nearly every law-book of any importance, and caij always supply at the lowest cash rates. We send Catalogues of our own publications, also small General Catalogues and circulars of New Law-Books, upon application, free of charge. Also, notice, we have recently issued a Large General Lazv Catalogue, octavo size, over loo pages, giving full titles of all the legal text-books in print, and a list of all the United States and various State Reports, etc. We send this large catalogue post-paid, upon receipt of 25 cents. Gentlemen of the Le^al Profession, Officers of Public Libraries, and others desiring to be supplied promptly with any of the Reports, Digests, Treatises, etc., as issued, will be certain to receive early copies by sending their orders to us. Correspondence mvited. BAKER, VOOKHIS, & CO. Laii) Putliskers, Law Booksellers and Importers. 66 Nassau Street, New York. LAW PRINTING. CASES, BRIEFS, BLANKS, AND ALL MANNER OF BOOK AND PAMPHLET PRINTING, AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Facilities for large Contracts. Correspon- dence solicited. ROCKWELL & CHURCHILL, 39 ARCH STREET, BOSTON. JUST PUBLISHED. Wm OF THE LAI OF FIRE IIUMICE. The whole Law of Fire Insurance, as decided by the Courts of the United States, Great Britain, and Canada, from the earliest period to 1872. By Littleton & Blatchley. Third edition, by CLEMENT BATES. Also, just issued, vol. 2, or Supplement, from 1S72 to 18S3, giving a digest of all the decisions for ten years. By G. A. CLE.MENT. Fine octavo vol., nearly 500 pages, $4.50 net. The two vols, for $8.50. Sent prepaid on receipt of price. BAKER, VOORIIIS, & CO., Publishers, New York. Great Reduction In Price of the Invaluable Reports of the ENGLISH COURTS. Eiiglisli C91M1011 law lepoFts.' 118 American (comprising over200 English) vols. Complete Index to same, 3 vols. 121 Vols. Price Reduced FROM $530 TO $362. These Reports contain the decisions of the Courts of— NISI PRIUS, from 1815 to 1849; COMMON BENCH, from 1813 to 1865; KING'S and QUEEN'S BENCH, from 1819 to 1865; REPRINTED IN FULL. The Modes of Citation in the Volumes contained in the Series are : — A. & E. E. B. & E. B. & A. E. C. L. R. B. & Ad. E. & E. B. & C. Gow. B. & S. Holt. B. & B. Af. & G. BiNG. M. & R. BiNG. N. C. Marsh. C. & K. Moody & M. Car & M. Moore. C. & P. M. & P. Chit. M. & S. Com. B. N. & M. C. B. N. S. N. & P. Deac. R. & M. Doug. SCOTT. D. & R. Stark. D. & R. N. P. Taunt. E. & B. B. ENGLISH EXCHEQUER REPORTS. From 1824 to 1853. 47 Vols. Price Reduced from $188 io S125. These Reports contain all the Cases at COjMMON LAW, in the COURTS OF EXCHEQUER and EXCHEQUER CHyMBER, ordered by the Court to be reported. The Volumes comprised in the EXCHEQUER RE-

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