Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/25

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SOULE & BUGBEE'S Legal Bibliography PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED GRATUITOUSLY AT IRREGULAR INTERVALS No. 3. 37 COURT ST., BOSTON, MASS. December, il CONTENTS. PAGE Addison on Contracts ; New Edition . . 2 Advertisements of New Law Books . . 9, 10 Aid to Accurate Language 5 Ames' Cases on Bills and Notes .... 4 Bargains, Special List of 6 Bateman on Auctions ; American edition 3 Best on Evidence; New edition 2 Blind Citations 4 Books on Special Subjects 3 Bug Case, The 2 Cliitty's Equity Digest; New Edition . . 4 E%vell's Essentials of the Law 4 Ewell's Pocket Blackstone 7 Heard's Curiosities and Oddities .... 2 Heard's Equity Pleading 7 Law and Lawyers in Literature 2 Law Students, Books for 4 PAGE Lawyers' Reference Manual 3 Leading Cases made Easy £ New Books i Notes on Our Own Books 7 Odd Volumes of Reports, etc 8 Old Civil Law Books S Old English Law Books S Our New Catalogue J Poking Fun at Lawyers 6 Pronunciation of Reporters' Names ... i Sheldon on Subrogation 6 Students' Leading Cases 4 Trials 9 Wallace's Reporters Wood on the Limitation of Actions Words Judicially Construed 7 We will mail every future number of this paper, without charge, to any judge, lawyer, or law student who will send us his name and address. NEW BOOKS. This paper contains announcements of a number of publications which will interest our readers. Among the forthcoming books are. Wood on Limitation of Actions at Law and in Equity ; new editions of Ad- dison on Contracts ; Best ON Evidence; Chitty's 'Equity Digest; Bateman on Auctions ; Shirley's Leading Cases Made Easy, and Indermaur's Epitome of Leading Comimon Law Cases ; — The Law- yer's Reference Manual of Law Books and Citations; and Ir- ving Browne's Law and Lawyers in Literature. Among the valuable books recently published are Sheldon on Subro- gation, Heard's Equity Pleading, Ewell's Pocket Blackstone, and the fourth edition of Wallace's Reporters. The order of publication of our new books will be about as follows : — Dec. 18.- Dec. 23. - Jan. I.- Jan. S.- Jan. 10.- Jan. 15.- Jan. 25.- Feb. I.- Feb. 15.- Law and Lawyers in Literature. • Epitome of Common Law Cases. ■ Bateman on Auctions. Wood on Limitation of Actions. Lawyers' Reference Manual. Shirley's Leading Cases Made Easy. ■ Addison on Contracts ; Abbott's edition. Chitty's Equity Digest ; new edition, Vol. i./. Best on Evidence. PRONUNCIATION OF REPORTERS' NAMES. There are many English reporters whose names are liable to mispro- nunciation. They are cited daily in our courts, and it is important to know English usage in regard to them ; but so far as we know, there is no book in which this is explained. As a matter of interest to our readers, we give below a list of the names which are most frequently mispronounced, with the correct pro- nunciation as England. Alderson, Aleyn, Anstruther, Barnardiston, Beatty, Beavan, Bellewe, Bevan, Bosanquet, Brougham, Caldecott, Carpmael, Carthew, Cockburn, Colles, Comberbach, Comyns, Craig, Curteis, Deacon, De Gex, Espinasse, Finlason, Finnelly, Fortescue, Giffard,* Gifford,* Hardres, Jameson, Keble, Kelyng (J.), If any of our ciation of other ascertained by personal inquiry from good authorities in Aul'der-son. Kelynge (W.), Kel'inge (g soft). Allen. Latouche, Lah-toosh'. An'struth-er. Leigh, Lee. Bar-nar-dis'ton. Lewin, Lu'in. Beet'ty. Ley, Lay. Bevan. Lutwyche, Lut'wich. Bel-lew'. Maclean, Mac-lane'. Bev'an. Macnaghten, Mac-naw'ten. Bo-san'kay. Macnamara, Mac-na-mar'ra. Broom. Macrory, Mac-ror'y. Call'de-cot. Malkin, Maul'kin. Carp'male. M'Cleland, Mac-clell'and. Car'thew. Mylne, Miln. Co'burn. Napier, Nay-peer'. Col'les. Nevile, i Com'ber-back. Neville, i Nev'il. Cum'ins. Paton, Pay'ton. Crayg. Pollexfen, Pol'lex-fen. Cur'tis. Romilly, Rom'il-ly. Dee'con. Saunders, Sahn'ders. De Zhay'. Sausse, Sawss. Es'pi-nass. Savile, Sav'il. Fin'la-son. Schoales, S holes. Fin'nel-ly. Siderfin, Sid'er-fin. For'tes-cu. Simons, Si'mons. Jif'fard. Swabey, Sway'by. Gifford (Ghard). Talbot, Taul'bot. Har'dress. Taunton, Tahn'ton. Ja'mie-son. Tothill, Tot'hill. Kee'bl. Tyrwhitt, Tir'rit. Kel'ing. Willes, Wil'less. correspondents or readers are in doubt about the pronun- names, we may be able to set them right. WOOD ON LIMITATION OF ACTIONS (NEW). We shall publish, Jan. i, 1883, A Treatise on the Limitations of Actions at Law and in Equity. By H. G. Wood, author of works on Landlord and Tenant, Insurance, Nuisances, etc. It will be a very exhaustive book, of nearly a thousand pages, with so large a proportion of foot-notes that it contains enough printed matter to fill two ordinary volumes of reports. The Appendix contains the latest statutes of limi- tations of all the States and Territories. In view of the radical changes made in the laws of nearly every State on this subject during the last twenty-five years, this Appendix is an important part of the work. In order to keep it equally useful, we shall print, every summer, slips giving the changes made in the statutes of limitations of each State during the preceding year. These slips we will send, free of charge, to any purchaser of Wood on Limitations, who sends his name to us. The statement •The name of the reporter Giffard is pronounced with G soft ; that of the Vice-ChanceUor Gifford with G hard.