Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/32

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8 SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. ODD REPORTS, ETC. We have left over, from various purchases of parcels of books, the following second-hand odd volumes of reports and local books, which we will sell at the net prices given opposite each item. The average condition of the books is good, and they are all sound and perfect : — United States Wheaton's Rap. Vols. 2,4, 5. Each, $1 — Howard's Reports. Vols. 1-9. Together, 10, — Howard's Reports. Vols. iS, 20, 21. Each, 3 — Supplement to iitli Peters (by Baldwin). Cloth. 3 — Black's Reports. 2 vols. 6 — Peter's (C. C.) Reports, 1 vol., and Baldwin's Re- ports, I vol. Together, 9 — Washington's Reports. Vol. i. 4 — Wallace's (Jr.) Reports. Vols. 2, 3. Together, 10 — Bissell's Reports. Vol. 1. 3 — Dillon's Reports. Vol.2. 4 — Betts' Admiralty Decisions. (Olcott, vol., and Bl.atchford & Howland, i vol.) 2 vols. 6 — Peter's Admiralty Decisions. 2 vols. 4 — Robb's P.-itent Cases. 2 vols. IS — Bannins^- and Arden's Patent Cases. Vols, i and 2. Tos^ether, 18 Alabama. Alabama Reports. Vols. 22 and 62. Each, 4 Arkansas. Arkansas Reports. Vol. 2. 4 California. Desty's California Citations. 1S74. 2 — Desty's Penal Code. 1S81. 1 — Harston's Practice. 1877. 3 — Rhodes's Digest of Reports. 2 vols. 18S2. 16 Colorado. Colorado Reports. Vols, i and 5. Each, i Connecticut. Kirby. o — Root. Vol. I. 3 — Day. Vols, i and 2. Together, i — Connecticut. Vols, i, 4, 6, 7, S. Each, i — Connecticut. Vols. 31, 38. Each, 3 — Baldwin's Digest. Vol. 1. 5 Georgia. Georgia Reports. Vol. 35. [Containing 80 pages of decisions, by Judge Erskine, in U. S. 4.50 sports, N. S. Vol. I. 5.00 Illinois. Haines' City and Village Laws. 1878. 2.50 — Illinois Reports. Vol. 45. 3-oo Indiana. Indiana Reports. Vol. 69. 3.00 — Davis' Digest. Vol. 2. i.oo Iowa. Withrow & Stiles' Digest. Vol. i. . 3.50 Kentucky. Hughes' Reports. Original edition. 4.50 Maine. Civil Othcer. 4th ed. by Verrill. 1S80. 2.50 — Luce & Waterman's Probate Practice. 18S0. 1.56 — Spalding's Practice. £.00 — Webb's'^Railroad Laws. 1875. 2-5° — Greenleaf s Reports. 9 vols. '3-50 — Maine Reports. Vol. 72. 3.50 Massachusetts. Sets and odd volumes at low prices. Miclligan. Walker's Chancery Reports. 2.50 — Miciiigan Reports. Vols. 43, 44. Together, S-So Mississippi. Freeman's Chancery Reports. 6.00 — Andrews' Digest. Vols. 45-56. 7.50 Missouri. Casselman's Annotated Practice Act. iSSi. 2.50 — Winslow's Annotated Code of Procedure. 1879. 2.00 Ifevada. Nevada Reports. Vol. 14. New England States. Mason's Practice. 1880. Wew Hampshire. New Hampshire Reports. Vol. — New Hampshire Reports. Vols. 21, 22, 24. Each. — New Hampshire Reports. Vols. 54 and 57. Each, igi Corbin's Forms. 1882. I's Practice. 1SS2. — Dutcher's Reports. Vol. i. — Hood's Index to the Laws (1663-1S77). Hew Mexico. New Mexico Reports. Vol. i. New York. Opinionsof Attorneys-General (Sickles.) 2.50 — Rapalje's Reference Digest. 4.50 — Thompson's Assessors* Town Clerks Manual. 1S79. i.oo — Gould's Annual Digest. 18S1. 2.50 Ohio. McVey's Digest. 2 vols. 5.00 — Peck's Township OflScers' Guide. 18S0. 2.00 — Ohio State Repoits. Vol. 3. 1.00 — Cincinnati Superior Court Reporter. 2 vols. 8.00 Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State Reports, Vol. 97. 4.00 South Carolina. Bay's Reports. 2 vols. 3.00 — Constitutional Reports, by Treadway. 2 vols. 7.00 — Spear's Law Reports. 2 vols. 6.00 — Spear's Law Reports. Vol. 2. 2.50 — Bailey's Equity Reports. 2.50 — Dudley's Equity Reports. 2.50 — McMuUan's Equity Reports. 2.50 — McMuUan's Law Reports. Vol. 2. 2.50 — Strobhart's Law Reports. Vol. 5. 2-So vols, in 2. 8.00 — Dessaussure's Equity Reports. 4 ' — South Carolina Reports, N.S. Vo Tennessee. Coldwell's Reports. Vol. — Meigs' Reports Coopi — Peck, and Martin & Yergers' Reports. — Haywood's Reports. Vols. 3, 4, and.5. — Cooke's Reports. — Overton's Reports. 2 vols. — Meigs' Digest. 2d edition. Vol. Texas. Green's Pleading. Vol. 1. — Texas Reports. Vols, i, 2, 3, 8, 22, 25, 25 Supp., 27, 28, 33, 40. edition. Together, Utah. Utah Reports. Vol. i. Vermont. D. Chipman's Reports. — Tyler's Reports. 2 vols. — Vermont Reports. Vols. 41 and 53. Each, — Roberts' Digest of Reports. 1878. Virginia. Munford's Reports. Vol. 6. — Grattan's Reports. Vol. 14. Wisconsin. Gary's Protate Law. — Wisconsin Reports. Vol. 27. — Wisconsin Reports. Vols. 51, 52. — Simmons' Digest. Vol. 1. 1879. Vol. 1879. Together, RARE OLD LAW BOOKS. We have in stock, among other similar books, the following, which are generally in old but sound bindings, and in good condition inside. The prices are strictly 7iet : — Stathara's Abridgment. Quarto. Fine copy. " This very ancient and beautiful specimen of typography IS supposed to have been executed by Wm. Le Tail- leur, Rouen (for R. Pynson), about the year 1470. It was printed before title-pages were deemed necessary accompaniments of books, and in a type resembling manuscript letters." Marvin's Leg. Bibl. Price, $40.00 Constitutio Criminalis Theresiana. Folio. Bds. Wien, 1769. [This is the famous Maria Theresa. In the append code of lustrations of the methods of judicial torture; — the tliumb-screw, the iron boot, tire rack, etc., etc.] Price, 7.50 Blackstone (Biographical History of Sir William), and a Catalogue of all his Works : with a Nomen- clature of Westminster Hall. 8vo. Calf. London, 17S2. 3.50 Bohun, William. Institutio Legalis; or, An Intro- duction to the Study and Practice of the Laws of England. 4th ed. In the Savoy, 1732. 1.50 Doctor and Student. The Dialogue in English, be- tweene a Doctor of Divinitie and a Student in the Lawes of England. London, 1607. A very rare edition of tliis famous book. 5.00 Hale, Sir Matthew. Pleas of the Crown ; or, A Method- ical Summary of the Principal Matters relating to that Subject. Lond., 167S. 1.50 Historical Review of the Court of Exchequer. By a late learned Judge (Gilbert). In the Savoy, 1738. 1.50 Home, Andrew. The Mirrour of Justices. (Trans- lated from the old French by W. H.) Lond., 1768. 3.50 Kitchin, John. Jurisdictions : or the Lawful Authority of Courts Leet, Courts Baron, etc. ; with Tenures and Uieir incidents, Pleadings of Contracts, etc. (In EngMsh.) Lond., 1651. 6.00 Lambard, W. Archion ; or, A Commentary upon the High Courts of Justice in England. i6mo. Calf. Wide margin. Lond., 1635. 4.00 Sheppard, William. The Faithful Councillor; or. The Marrow of the Law in English. 2d edition, small 4to. Calf. 2 vols. Lond, 1653-1654. 6.00 Sheppard, William. The Touchstone of Common Assurances ; a plain and familiar treatise on Convey- ancing. With copious notes, etc., by Edmond Gibson Atherley. 8th ed. 2 vols. London, 1826. 8.00 Wooddeson, Richard. A Systematic View of the Laws of England; as treated of in a course of Vinerian Lectures, read at Oxford. 3 vols. Dublin, 1792. 3.00 Praxis Francisci Clarke, in Foro Ecclesiastico. Dub- linii, 1666. 2.50 Portescue : A Learned Commendation of the Politique Lawes of England, etc. 24mo. With the Latin text, and an English black-letter translation, by Robert Mulcaster, m parallel columns. Lond., 1573. 4.00 The Newgate Calendar; comprising Interesting Me- moirs of the Most Notorious Characters wlio Iiave been convicted of outrages on the Laws of England since 1700. By Knapp & Baldwin. 4 vols. Half calf, with illustrations. Lond., 1824. 14.00 The Parliaments and Councils of England, chrono- logically arranged, from William I. to 168S. Lond., 1S39. 3.00 The Attourney's Academy; being the Manner of Pro- ceedings in all His Majesties Courts of Record at WestrrKnster : and in all other Courts either of Law or Equity. By Thomas Powell. Lond., 1647. (Best edition.) 4.00 The History of the Chancery; relating to the Judicial Power of that Court, and the Rights of the Masters. Lond., 1726. 1.50 McLaurin's Observations on some Points of Law, with a System of the Judicial Law of Moses. Edin., 1759. 2.00 Schomberg's Historical and Chronological View of Roman Law. Oxford, 1785. 1.50 Schiefer on Special Pleading. Dublin, 1793. 1.50 Lettres sur la Profession d'Avocat et Bibliothique Choisie des Livres de Droit. Par M. Comus. 4me ddition, par M. Dupin. 2 vols. Paris, 181S. 6.00 The Works of that Grave and Learned Lawyer, Judge Jenkins, Prisoner in Newgate, upon divers Statutes, concerning the Liberty and Freedom of the Subject. Lond., 164S. 32mo. 1.00 Magna Charta, cum Sfatutis, turn antiquis, turn re- centibus etc. London, 1602. Interleaved copy, with copious manuscript notes. A curious old relic. 3.00 Les Termes de la Ley, or certain Difficult and Ob- scure Words and Terms of the Common Lawes now in use, expounded and explained. Lond., 1708. 2.50 Tremaine's Pleas of the Crown. Folio. Lond., 1723. 3.50 West's Symboleograpy (which may be termed the Art or Description of Instruments and Presidents). 2 parts. 1605-1627. 7.50 Blackstone's Commentaries .-Christian's edition, 1793; with good full-page portraits of Blackstone, Somers, Fortescu, Littleton, Coke, Holt, Mansfield, Gilbert, Comyns, Hardwicke, Hale, Foster, and Raymond. 4 vols. 8vo. 10.00 Bridgman's Legal Bibliography. Lond., 1807. Bds. 2.00 The Iteports of Sir Edward Coke in Verse. Lond., 1742. 2.00 Coke's First, Second, Third, and Fourth Institutes, in full. 7 vols. 1794-1797. . , „ . 17-50 Ployer's Proctor's Practice in the Ecclesiastical Courts ("with cases never before published "). 2d edition. Lond., 1746. 1.50 Mallory's Quare Impedit. Part I. An Abridgment of the (Ecclesiastical) Law; Part II., Precedents of Pleading. In one folio volume. Lond., 1737. 3-5° OLD CIVIL-LAW BOOKS, ETC. We have for sale, at the prices annexed, the following copies of the works of celebrated au- thors on the civil and feudal laws. Boehmer, Justus Henningius. Jus Ecclesiasticum Protestantium ; Usum Hodiernum Juris Canonici. 4th edition. 6 vols. Small quarto. Clf. With portrait. $12.00 Brenemannus, Henricus. Historia Pandectarum, Rubricated title-page. 4to. Vellum. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1722. - 2.00 BrisoniUS, Barnabas. De Verborum Quae ad Jus Per- tinent Significatione. Engraving on title-page. Folio. Vellum. Lipsae, 1721. 3.50 Bynkershoek, Cornelius Van. Observationes Juris Romani. Rubricated title-paofe, with engravings by Houbraken. 2 vols. 4to. Vellum. 1733. ' 6.00 Corpus Juris Civilis. 2 vols. i2mo. Clf. Engraved title-page. Blaeu. et Elzevirii, Amstelodami, 1664-3.5.00 Corpus Juris Germanicus Antiqui. (Consilio lo. Gottl. Heineccius.) Title-page rubricated. 4to. (jrotti. Jtiemeccius.) 1 itie-page ruDricatea. 410. Vellum (broken). Halae Magdeburgicae, 1738. 2.50 Cragius, Thomas. Jus Feudale. 3d ed. Title-page in rubrics. Opera et studio Jacobi Baillie. Folio, Calf. Edinburgi, 1732. 3.00 Cuiacivs, Jacobus. Consultatio ; Jul. Pauli Receptorum Sententiarum ; DeFeudis;atr Inst. Justin. Notae; ad Tit. Alpianinotae; adoperaPeckii notae. Bound together in one thick volume. i8mo. Half clf. Coloniae Agrippinae, 1578. 2.50 Duck, Arthurus. De Vsu et Authoritati Juris Civilis Roman, per Domina Principum Christianorura. Two books in one. i6mo. Calf. Londini, 1689. 2.00 Gothofredus, J. Fontes Qiiatuor Juris Civilis. Opuscula Varia. Bound together in 1 vol. Rubri- cated title-page, with wood-cut and portrait of author. Genevae, 1653-4. 2.50 Grotius, Hugo. De Jure Belli ac Pacis. Title in rubrics. Portrait of author and fine engraving by Hooghe. Svo. Calf. Amstelodami, 1670. 3.50 Groeaewegen, S. Tractatus de Legibus Abrogatis et Inusitatis in Hollandia. 3d ed. Title-page in ru- brics, with fine engraving. 4to. Vellum. Am- stelaedami, 1660. 2.00 Grotius, H. De Jure Belli ac Pacis. Title-page in rubrics; engraving and portrait of author. 2 vols. Svo. Calf. Amstelaedami, 1735. 4.00 Heineccius (lo. Gottl.) Elementa Juris Civilis. 3d ed. Title-page rubricated. i2rao. Vellum. Argen- torati, 1732. - 2.00 Heineccius (lo. Gottl.) Opuscula Minora. Rubricated title-page, with engraving. i2mo. Vellum. Am- stelodami, 1738. 2.00 Heineccius (lo. Gottl.) Antiq. Roman. Jurisp. Illust. Syntagma. 5th ed. Title-page in rubrics ; portrait of author and engravings by Bleys Weyk. i2mo. Calf. Leovardiae et Franequerae, 1777. 3.50 Justiniani Institutiones. Digestum Vetus, Infortia- tum ; Digestum Novus; Institutiones; Codex. En- graved title-pages and initial letters. Fine speci- mens of plain typography. 5 thick folio volumes. Lugduni, 1 546-1548. 20.00 Matthaeus, Ant. De Criminibus Commentarius. 3d ed. Sm. 4to. Vellum. Engraved title-page. Vesaliae, 1672. 2.50 Maximes de Droit Public Francois. Second ed. En- graving on title-page. 2vols.ini. 4to. Calf. Red edge. Amsterdam, 1775. 2.00 Pandectae Justianianeae in novum ordinem digestae, cum legibus, codicis, et novellis, que Jus Pandec- tarum confirmant explicant ant abrogant. 3 vols. F"olio. Calf. Red edges. Lugduni, 1782. 7.50 Pothier, R. J. Trait(£s sur Diffirentes Matieres de Droit Civil et De Jurisprudence Frangoise. 2d ed. Revue. 4 vols. 1X0. Calf. Paris, 17S1. 6.00 Pothier, R. J. Pandectae Justini.aneae (cum legibus codicis et novellis). 4V0IS. 4to. Calf. Parisiis, 1818. 6.00 Pufendorff, S. Le Droit de la Nature et des Gens. Traduit du Latin par Jean Barbeyrac. 5th ed. Rubricated title-page, with fine engraving and por- trait of author, engraved by Gunst. 2 vols. 410. Bds. Broad margins, untrimmed. Amsterdam, 1734. 6.00 Struvius, Georgius Adamus. Jurisprudentia Romano- Germanica Forensis. Title-page in rubrics. Sm. 4to. Vellum. Jenae, 1670. 2.50 Thesaurus Juris Romani, continens Rariora Meliorum Interpretum Opuscula, in quibus Jus Romanum emendatur, explicatur, illustratur, etc. Cum praefa- tione Everardi Ottonis. Uncut copy, wide margins. 5 vols. Folio. Bds. Lugduni Batavorum, 1729. Tr.ajecti ad Rhenum, 1^35. 10.00 Vinnius, Arnoldus. Institutionum Imperialium Com- mentarius. Heineccius recensuit. Title-page rubri- cated. 4to. Calf. Red edges. Lugd. Batav., 1726. 2.00 WissenbachiUS, Johannes Jacobus. In Libros VII. Priores Codicis Jestiniani. Editio ultima. Rubri- cated title-page and portrait of author. Sm. 4to. Vellum. Franequerae, 1701. 2.00 CoQ.tumes Generales Du Pais Duch6 de Bretagne. Renue, 1748. 3V. 4to. — Generales de Picardie. Paris, 1726. 2 v. Fol. — Generales de Bourgogne. Dijon, 1746. 2 v. Fol. — Nouveau Contumier General on Corps des Coutumes, etc., etc. Par C. A. Bourdot de Dichebourg. Paris, 1724. 4 vols. Fol. — Explication de la Couturac etde la Jurisprudence de Normandie. Par Jean Baptiste Flaust. Rouen, 17S1. 2v. Fol. — Coutume D'Orleans. Par Mons. Delalande. Orleans, 1704. — Droit Commune de la Fr.ance et la Coutume de Paris. Par Francois Bourjou. Paris, 1770. 2 vols. — Coutumes de Bourbonnois. Par Auroux des Pommiers. Riom, 1780. In all, 17 Vols. Folio. Old Calf. 40.00