Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/33

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SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 9 TRIALS. We offer the following reports of trials, from our large collection, at the net prices given : — Appeal Cases. House of Lords, 1770-S7, except 177S and 17S0. Containing- the "Cases "of tiie Appellants and Respondents in each appeal, printed in full, to- g-ether -with a written memorandum of the disposi- tion finally made. 7 vols. Large folio. Uncut. Bds. $30.00 Amot, Hu2fo. A collection and abridgment of cele- brated criminal trials in Scotland, from 1536 to 1784, with historical and critical remarks. 5-0° Auchterarder Case. Earl of Kinnoull and Rev. R. Young V. Presbjlery of Auchterarder. Full report. Famous Case. 3 vols. Svo. Bds. 3.00 Barnard (Judge) , Geo. Impeachment before the N. Y. Senate. 3 vols. Svo. Sheep. Albany, 1S74. 6.00 Belknap, Wm. W. Impeachment before the U. S. Senate. Svo. CI. Wash., 1S76. 1166 pp. 1.50 Buchanan, William. Remarkable cases in the court of session, and trials in the High Court of Justiciary. Svo. 600 pp. Half clf., old. Edinburgh, 1S13. 6.00 BuTOh Divorce Case. Crini. con. Only complete report. Fine t)'pe. Svo. 116 pp. Paper. DeWitt. New York, 1S60. .50 Buzzell, John R. Leader of the Ursuline Convent rioters; trial for arson and burglary. Illustrated. Boston, 1S34. Very scarce. 4.00 Causes Calibres, avec les jugemens qui les out decides. 21 vols. (The complete set numbers 22 vols, but each vol. is complete in itself.) Amsterdam, 1772. Contains many very curious cases not in other collections. 20.00 Chase, Hon. Samuel. Impeachment trial. Short- hand report. Baltimore, 1S05. 3.00 Clark, Willard. For murder of Rich'd W. Wight. Defence: insanity. New Haven, 1SS5. 3-°o Cochrane, Thomas, (Lord,) and others, for a conspiracy to afl'ect the government funds by circulating a false report of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte. Short- hand report. London, 1S14. Svo. 604 pp. Very interesting. 2.00 Dalrymple the wife v. Dalrj'mple the husband. Suit for acknowledgment of an irregular marriage. Judgment of Sir William Scott, etc. Reportedly John Dodson. Famous case on marriage law of Scotland, lamo. 380 pp. London, iSii. 1.25 Do-wnie, David. Trial for high treason. Shorthand report. Edinburgh, 1795. 295 pp. i.oo Dred Scott v. John F. A. Sandford. Decision of Sup. Court, U. S., and opinions of judges. Also, a Legal Review of Dred Scott Case from Law Reporter Tor Fair, den. Shorthand rept. With portraits, 1S71. 335 pp. Sheep. With portrait. Edinb., 1794. ■ QlasgO-vi' Bank. Trial of directors before High Court. ' ■■• • ites. Bishop of Lond., 1852. Cloth. E.xeter. By E. F. Moore. Famous case. 3.50 Hardy (Thomas). The genuine trial for high treason. By Manoali Sibley, t vols. Svo. Calf. Lond., 1795. 3.00 High Treason. The trials of Arthur Thistlewood, James Watson, Thomas Preston, and John Hooper. "i2mo. 300 pp. Half bound. With Portraits. Lond., 1S17. 2.00 Hono, William. Three trials for publishing a parody on the late John Wilkes's catechism of a ministerial member. Svo. Lond., 1S17. 184 pp. 1.50 Jackson, Albert. Impeachment trial, before Senate of Missouri. Official rent., 1S59. 3.00 Jeffords, Chas. M. Murder trial. Shooting. Wil- bom's rep't. N. Y., 1S62. 1.00 Laros, Allen C. Trial for the murder of his father by poison. Defence based upon the allegation of epi- leptic insanity. Argument on the rme for a new trial, and proceedings upon the pleas in of the sentence. Svo. Paper. Easton, Penn., 1S77. ^45 pp. 2.50 Loring, Major Joseph, Jr. Trial by court-martial for not transmitting the orders of Brig.-Gen. Arnold Welles. Boston, 1813. 3, IiO-well, James M. Trial on indictment for the murder of his wife, Mary Eliz.abctli Lowell. By H. M. Plaisted. Svo. Half sheep. Portland, Me., 1875. 259 pp. I. Margaret, Maurice. Trial for sedition. Shorthand report. Edinb., 1794. Svo. Unbound. 195 pp. McCunn, John H. Impeachment as Justice of the Superior Court oftheCityof New York. Svo. Sheep. Albany, 1874. 617 pp. McLaren, Alexander, and Bftird, Thomas. Trial for sedition. Edinb., 1S17. Shorthand report. Small. of Peers (for corruption in the administration of public money). i2mo. 47Spp. Half bound, with portrait. Lond., 1806. 3.00 Muir, Thomas, Trial of, for sedition. Edinb., 1793. i.oo O'Grady, Waller. Quo Warranto suit of the King against, respectinsr the right of appointment to the office of Clerk of'the Pleas in Irish Court of Ex- chequer. By William Greene. [This is referred to as Greene's Rep'ts., in Finley's Irish Digest.] Dub- lin, 1816. Cr. Svo. Bds. 1S9 pp. 3.50 Palmer, Thomas Fyshe. (Unitarian minister.) For sedition. T2rao. 112 pp. Pamph. Perth, 1793. 1.50 Peltier, John. For a libel against Napoleon Bonaparte, First "Consul of the French Republic. Lond., 1803. Famous case. Scarce. 3.50 PhilUps' State Trials; or, A collection of the most interesting trials prior tothe revolution of 168S. Re- vised and illustrated. 3 vols. Lond., 1S26. Scarce. 4.50 Porter, Commodore David, U.S.N. Trial before a general court-martial. To which is added a review of the Court's decision. By Robert Beale. Svo. Sheep. Quentin (Col. of the Prince of Wales Hussars). Trial by court-martial, 1S14, for neglect of duty, want of courage and skill, etc., at battle of Orthes, etc. Shorthand report. Svo. Half calf. 272 pp. 2.1 Ramsay (Lady) v. Naime, Tames. Action for dam- ages for falsehood and defamation. 4to. 320 pp. Paper. Edinburgh, 1833. Fine copy. z. Robertson (Capt. A. M., Royal Irish Dragoons). Trial by court-martial, for not resenting an insult received in Army and Navy Club, etc. Dublin, 1S63. I., SachevereU (Dr. Henry), Tryal of, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. London, 1710. 2.( Sack-ville, Lord George. Trial by court-martial at the Horse Guards, 1760, on a charge of disobedience of orders while in command of the British Horse in Germany. 3.( Selfridge, Thos. O. Trial for shooting Chas. Austin. Shorth.and rep't .Boston, 1806. Good copy. Scarce. 2.1 Small V. Atwood. Court of Exchequers. With argu- ment of counsel and the two judgments of Lord Lyndhurst. Action to rescind contract. By Edw. Younge. Lond., 1S33. Important case. Fine copy, i.i Smith, Madeleine. Trial of, before High Court at Edinburgh, in 1S57, for alleged poisoning (with arsenic) of Pierre Emile I'Angelier. 2.( Somerset, Earl of. Trial for poisoning Sir Thomas Overbury. By Andrew Amos. Lond., 1846. 551 pp. Fine portrait of the famous Countess of Somerset. 4.( Stockdale, John. For libel on the House of Com- mons. In the King's Bench, 1789. Shorthand report by Joseph Gurney. Svo. Bds. 1790. Famous case. 2.( Stuart, James. Trial before the High Court at Edin- burgh, 1822, for killing in a duel Sir Alexander Boswell. 2.( TwitcheU, George S., Jr. Trial and conviction of, for murder. With speeches, judge's charge, etc. Svo. P.aper. Philadelphia, 18(39. pp. i.( Wal-WOrth Parricide. Full account of the murder of Chancellor Walworth by his son. With portraits. Pamph. 80 pp. N. Y. i.i Ward, Matt. F. Full report of trial for murder, with speeches of Gov. Crittenden, Gov. Helm, T. F. Marshall, and oUiers. N.Y., 1834. 2.1 Webster, Prof. John W. Murder of Parkman. Orig- inal copy of Bemis' report (best). Illustrated. Scarce. ■j.i Whitelooke, Lieut.-Gen., Commander of forces in South America. Trial by court-martial, iSoS. Full shortliand report. 2 vols. Svo. Bds. 2.c _ r, John Peter, of New York, printer. Tryal for printing and publishing a libel against the govern- ment, with pleadings and arguments on both sides. Small quarto. Paper. London, 1738. Rare and curious. 7.( THE OLD LAW-BOOK HOUSE. Established 1820. BAKER, VOOBHIS & CO., Law Publishers and Law Booksellers, 66 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK, p ESPECTFULLY call the attention of the Legal Pro- ■I^ Session to their LARGE STOCK OP LAW BOOKS (new and second-hand) in every department of the Law. Our stock of New and Second-Hand Law Books is one of the largest in the country, — in some departments the Catalogues of our own Legal Publications (embracing many of the most important Legal Treatises, etc., in use by lawyers tliroughout the country) sent free upon application. Also, we send, without charge, small general Catalogues, Circulars of New Books, etc. We have recently published a Large General Law CATALOGUE (with Addenda of latest Treatises and Re- ports), giving full Titles, Date, Prices, etc., of the Law Books published in this country, with a selection ofle.ading English Treatises, etc. This Catalogue contains nearly 150 pages oct,avo. We send (in paper covers) for 25 cents; bound in cloth, 50 cents. BAKER, VOORHIS & CO., Kew Tork. 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