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lO SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. fcE}/IDING lAW lOOKS. DAWEEL OK- NEGOTIABLE INSTHUIVLENTS. This new and important work gives the Law as it now is respecting all securities which possess a negotiable qual- ity. It treats of all manner ot negotiable Instruments, including Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Nego- tiable Bonds, Coupons, Bills of Lading, Bills of Credit, Bank Notes, Checks, Circular Notes, Certificates of Deposit, Guarantees, Letters of Credit, etc., etc., with references to all recent English and American decisions. By Hon. John W. Daniel.

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This important work 'is in a large octavo volume of 5-64 pages. Price, in cloth binding, $4.50; law sheep, $5.50; half calf, $6.50. Full descriptive circulars sent upon appli- cation. In Pre»s. Will soon be ready : GREAT OPINIONS BY GREAT JUDGES. A Collection of the most Important Legal Decisions by Eminent Judges. Edited by Wm. L. Snyder. BAK£R, VOORHIS & CO., Law Publishers, edited by JOHN T. MORSE, Jr., A Series of Biographies of Men conspicu- ous in the Political History of the United States, Which shall, when taken together, indicate the lines of po- litical thought and development in Americau history,— books embodying in compact form the result of extensive study of the many and diverse infinences which have com- bined to shape the political history of our country. Vol. I.' JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. By John T. Morse,. Jr. i6nio, gilt top. $1.25. Vol.11. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. By Henry. Cabot Lodge. i6mo, gilt top. $1.25. Vol. in. JOHN C. CALHOUN. By Dr. H. voN HOLST. i6nio, gilt top. $1.25. Vol. IV. ANDREW JACKSON. By Prof. Wm. G. Sumnek. i6mo, gilt top. $1.25. Vol. V. JOHN RANDOLPH. By Henry Adams. iGmo, gilt top. $1.2,. ^.mericait Mlm of &ttkX5, edited by CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER. A series of Biographies of distinguished American Authors, H.aving all the special interest of biography, and the larger interest and value of illustrating the different phases of American literature, the social, political and moral influ- ences which have moulded these authors and the generations to which they belonged. Vol. I. WASHINGTON IRVING. By Charles Dudley Warner. Steel Portrait. i6mo. $1.25. Vol.11. NOAH WEBSTER. By Horace E. ScuD- DER. Steel Portrait. i6mo. $1.25. Vol. III. HENRY D. THOREAU. By Frank B. Sanborn. Steel Portrait. i6rao. $1.25. Vol. IV. GEORGE RIPLEY. By Octavius Brooks Frothingiiam. steel Portrait. i6mo. $1.2:;. Vol. V. JAMES FENIMORE COOPER. By Prof. T. R. LouNSBURY. steel Portrait. i6mo. $1.25. eSp-For sale by all booksellers. Sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of price by the publishers, HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & Co., GREAT REDUCTION IN SUPREME COURT REPORTS. HOWARD'S REPORTS, Vols. 19 to 34 inclusive, $21.00 BLACK'S REPORTS, 2 vols., 7.00 WALLACE'S REPORTS, 23 vols., 57.50 MILLER'S DECISIONS, 4 vols., 12.00 Single volumes of Wallace, $3.50 per vol. A new and valuable HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES UNDER THE CONSTITUTION, by James ScnouLER, Esq. Vol. 1. 17S3 to iSoi. Vol. II. iSoi to 1S17. Price, Clotli, $2.50; Sheep, $3.00; Half Calf, $4.00, per volume. WILLIAM H. MORRISON, LAW BOOKSELLER, 47s Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. Just Piihllshed: SEDC¥/IC8C and WAIT ON TRIAL OF TITLE TO LAND. A Treatise on the Principles and Practice Governing the Trial of Title to Land : including Ejectment, Trespass to Try Title, Writs of Entry, Statutory Remedies for the Recovery of Real Propert}', together with the Resulting Claims for Mesne Profits and 'improvements, embracing a Consideration of Color of Title, Title' by Possession, and Adverse Possession. By Arthur G. Sedgwick and Frederick S. Wait, Counsellors .at Law.

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