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ImpofM New Law Boob. THE STUDENT'S KENT. AN ABRIDGMENT OF KENT'S COMMENTA- ries on American Law. By Eben Francis Thomp- son Willi an Introduction by the Hon. T. L. Nelson, Judge of the United States District Court. Crown 8vo. Sheep, $2.50 net. Kent's " Commentaries on American Law " consist of a series of lectures dehvered by the Hon. Jaities Kent, Chancellor of New York, before the students in the Law Department of Columbia College. These Commentaries show great learning and graceful style, but since the multiplication of text-books on special topics of the law, it is thought that they will better meet the wants of the student and lawyer in an abridged form. IVIr. Thompson lias endeavored to abridge them on this plan, retain- ing, however, all that is most valuable to the student. In this task he has been aided by Judge Nelson of the United States District Court, and by W. A. Williams and H. L. Nelson, of the Worcester Bar. FORMS IN CONVEYANCING. COMPRISING PRECEDENTS FOR ORDINARY Use, and Clauses adapted to Special and Unusual Cases. With Practical Notes. By Leonard A. Jones, Author of Treatises on Mortgages of Real and Per- sonal Property, on Railroad Securities, and on Pledges. Svo. 830 pages. Law sheep, $6.50 7tet. These Forms are intended for general use in all parts of the country. They are arranged under the following titles : Acknowl- edgments, Agreements, Appointments, Apprenticeship, Arbitra- tion, Assignments, Powers of Attorney, Auction Sale of Real Estate, Author and Publisher, Bills of Sale, Bonds, Building Contracts, Charter Party, Composition with Creditors, Deeds, Guaranty, Leases, Mortgages, Notices, Partnership, Party Wall .Agreements, Patents, Pledges and Collateral Securities, Rail- road Consolidation, Releases, Separation Deeds, Settlements, Trade-Marks, Wills. OTHER BOOKS BY MB. JONES. A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF MORTGAGES Of Real Property. 2 vols. Svo. Sheep, $13.00 ^/^Z. THE LAW OF RAILROAD AND OTHER COR- porate Securities, including Municipal Aid Bonds. .Svo Sheep, $6. 50 «tV. A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF CHATTEL Mortgages. Svo. Sheep, $6.50 w^. A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF PLEDGES AND Collateral Securities. Svo. Sheep, $6. 50 " Mr. Jones is fairly entitled to consider that, besides providing for the members of his profession a series of books of the highest practical utility, he has contributed largely to an orderly and rational development of the law." — Boston Advertiser. " His works are well known to the profession in all parts of the country, and have placed him among the foremost of living legal text-writers." — John Norton Pomeroy, LL.D., in the IVest Coast Reporter. A TREATISE ON TRUSTEE PROCESS AS ADMINISTERED IN THE NEW ENGLAND States at Law and in Equity. By George W. McCoNNELL, of the Suffolk Bar. Svo. Law sheep, $4 00 net. NEARLY READY: AN INTRODUCTION to the CONSTITUTIONAL Law of the United States. By John Norton Pome- roy, LL.D. Especially designed for Students, general and professional. Ninth Edition, revised and enlarged. By Ed- mund H. Bennett, LL.D., Dean of the Boston University Law School. Svo. LECTURES ON INTERNATIONAL LAW IN TIME of Peace. By John Norton Pomeroy, LL.D. Edited by Iheoduke S.^LisnfRV Woolsey, Professor of Interna- tional Law in Yale College. Svo. THE REPORTER INDEX. Prepared by Howard Ellis. Covering the contents of " The Reporter," Vols. 1-17, inclu- sive, "TheAmerican Law Times Reports," Vols. 1-4, etc. Svo.

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