Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/71

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Legal Bibliography PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED GRATUITOUSLY AT IRREGULAR INTERVALS, By CHARLES C. SOXJLE, Law Bookseller, FREEMAN PLACE CHAPEL, 1 5i BEACON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. No. 8. Mr. Soule, in addition to publishing and importing, buys and sells all kinds of law books, old as well as new. December, 1886. CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER. About Books . ■ ■ 7, 8 Juridical Poesy . . 8 American Statute Law 2, 8 Law Students, Books for 5 Bargains in Text-Books 3 Magazine, A Good • • 2 Bargains, Special . . . 1 , Portraits 6 Catalogues, etc. . . . 6 1 Eecent English Books • 2 Chitty's Equity Digest • 2 ^ Schouler on Wills (new) 4 Choate (with Portrait) ■ 5 . Squibs 2 BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOlT For Circular containing full information, address EDMUND H. BENNETT, Dean, 10 Ashbui tou Place, Boston. LAW SCH90L0F HARVARD UNIVERSITY. The full course of law study is designed to occupy three ye.ivs. AU other instruction given in the University ia open to law students free of charge. Examination papers and circulars will be sent on application to J. H, ARNOLD, Librarian, Cambridge, Mass. MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL For Catalofjue, address PKOF. HENKY WADE KOGERS, Ann Arbor, Mich. ST. LOUIS LAW SCHOOL Law Department of Washington University, ST. LOUIS, MO. Annual Session, October to June. Course completed in two or three year-, at option of student. Admits to the Bar. Tuition. S8() perannum. For Catalogues, etc., address the Dean, WILLIAM G. HAMMOND, 1417 Lucas Place. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. [Founded by Tiios. .Jekkehsox.] LAW DEPARTMENT. fi-lth session begins Octouhr 1, 1887, and continues nine months. For Catalogue applv to C. A. VENABLE, LL.D., ('hnirinnn of Faculty. P. O. University of Virginia, Va. IS IT POSSIBLE ? A LIMITED SUBSCKIPTION EDITION OF Veilit Simile Coin Reports Complete, 65 vols.. S130.00. r.eprlnt of Original. Easy payments on In.stnlments. , Sample pages and full particulars by addressing the publishers, THE TUTTLE COMPANY, RUTLAND, VERMONT. 200 sets must be sold before we commence the work. One third now taken. ACQ PHOSPHATE. For Dyspepsia, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Nervousness, Diminished Vitality, etc. Prepared according to the directions of Prof E. N. HoRSFOKD, of Cambridge. A preparation of the phosphates of lime, magnesia, pot- ash, .and iron, with pliosphoric acid, in such a form as to be readily assimilated by the system. Universally recommended and prescribed by physicians of all schools. Its action will harmonize with such stimulants as are necessary to take. It is the best tonic known, furnishing sustenance to both brain and body. It makes a delicious drink with w.iter and sugar only. AS A BRAIN AND NERVE TONIC. Dr. E. W. Robertson, Cleveland, O., says: '-From my experience, can cordially recommend it as a brain and nerve tonic, especially in nervous debility, nervous dys- pepsia, etc." FOR WAKEFULNESS. Dr. William P. Clothier, Buffalo, Y., says: "I prescribed it for a Catholic priest, who was a hard student, fir wakefulness, extreme nervousness, etc., and he reports it has been of great beni_-fit to him." IN NERVOUS DEBILITY. Dk, Edwiu F. Vose, Portland, 5Ie., says : " I have pre- scribed it for many of the various forms of nervous debility, and it has never failed to do good." FOR THE ILL EFFECTS OF TOBACCO. Dr. C. a. Fern.ld, Boston, says : " I have used it in cases of impaired nerve function, with beneficial results' especially in cases where the system is affected by the toxic action of tobacco." Invigorating, Strengthening, Healthful, Kefresh- ing. Prices reasonable. Pamphlet giving further particulars mailed free. MA2.-rFACTrRED BV THE RUMFORD CHEMICAL WORKS, PROVIDENCE, E. I. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. TO EVERY LAWYER AND STUDENT AT LAW IN THE UNITED STATES. 1100 Worth of Ti-Books for $10. Deliveied, preiiaid. EN(iLlSH, GERMAN, AND FI{EN< H TEXT-BOOK SERIES. 1st. We propose to furnish to subscribers a reprint of the leading English Text-Books applicable to the United States, with an occasional translation from the recent German and French, and, where deemed necessary, American Notes will be added by competent lawyers. 2(1. We will give verbatim reprints in clear legible type, on good paper, of all such books issued after January 1, 1885, immediately upon receipt of copy, making 3 000 (o 10,000 pages { 8 to 12 Subjects), in 12 volumes delivered free of mail or e.xpress charges. One Volume a month, for §10 A YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. 3d. Subscribers will tlius receive the important puldica- tions of England, France, and Germany of value to Amer- ican Lawyers, long in ailvance of republication, for less than one-tenth the cost of importation. 4tli. We will import all books issued in the countries named of general interest, from which our General Ediinr will .select the most valuable for republication, and, when desirable, will place them w ith specialists for Annolatiou 5th. AVhere two or more works are issued ujion tlic same subject, we will reprint the latest, fullest, an<I best ; by this means the subscribers will in <a short time have a valualile .series of books on all legal subjects. 6th. Each volume as issued will contain on the inside cover, in aljout tbc order in which the reprints will appear, a list of books to be republished, with brief reviews from the law periodicals as to the value of said works. 7th. The series will constitute, of itself, a complete col- lection of the freshest, most authoritative, and most valua- ble text-books in all of the leiiding departments of the law, thus furnishing, in a short time, to the student, prac- titioner, and judge, for almost a nominal consideration, a working library of recent and desirable bioks. 8th. The first book now ready, as follows: — SMITH'S MASTER AND SERVANT. A Treatise on the Law of Jlaster and Servant, which includes JIaster and Workmen, in every ilescription of Trade and Occupation, with an Appendix of Statutes. By Charles JFaxlv Smith. 1 vol.. nearly I.UOO pages. XoTK —The Fourth Edition of tbjs useful book is so greatly enlarged .and altered that it is in many refpect,< a new work : a course fully justified by the growins importanco of the suliject. Much of the law relating to the liabilities of employer and em- ployed is of very modem origin. — Pub. 9th. If the expense of the production of such books was to be borne by the sale of .an ordinary edition, the cost would be from 53.00 to SIO.OO each, and in several in- stances much more. By combining them into a Sbries of 12 Volumes, by the closest scrutiny of every item that enters intn their cost of production and sale, — by our mode of delivery, one volume each month, to any address, frek OF jfAiL OR EXPRESS CHARGES. WO enlist the interest of every buyer of Law Bo.iViv i] iiij ns are largely in- creased, and the cost of ; : I' d, .so tliat we can supply the series at the > ' --10.00 a year. Heady .JaHnnrij I. IS.Sr. WRICHT (R. S.) ON CRIMINAL CONSPIRA- CIES. Willi American Notes bv Hampton L. Car- son, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar. The Blackstone Publishing Company, Rees ■ President. 19 So. 9f ll Street, II Edson, Secretary, _ B IIooPES, Treasurer PHILADELPHIA, Pa. AGJETS WANTED EVKRYUHEBT:.