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INDEX Adam of Bremen, 106; on Greenland, 94 Anghiera. See Martyr, Peter Animal and bird names. 44 Antela, 149 Antiglia, map opp. 74, 75, 147 Antilles, 144; identity with Antillia, 162 Antillia, 188; as an early map item, 144; Atlantis and, 148; on Beccario map of 1426, 151; on Beccario map of 1435, 70, 151; on Benincasa map of 1482, 70, 159; on Bianco map of 1436, 156; Humboldt's hypothesis of origin of name, 148; identity with the Antilles, 162; on Laon globe of 1493, 161; of the mainland, 147; Martyr's (Peter) identifica- tion, 145; origin of the name, 148; other identifications, 146; on Pareto map of 1455, 157; on Roselli map of 1468, 155; on Ruysch map of 1508, 145; Seven Cities (island) and. 69, 188; spelling of the word. 146; unmentioned on certain notable maps, 161; on Weimar map 150, 159 Arctic monastery, 136-137, 138 Ari Frode, 101 Arna-Magnaean MS. No. 194. "6, 119 Arna-Magnaean MS. No. 557, on Markland, 115 Athens and Atlantis, i, 33 Atlantic continental mass, theory of Termier, 19 Atlantic submarine banks, 24 Atlantis, Antillia and, 148; improbabil- ity of existence, 18; invasion of the Mediterranean, 16; location and size, 17; Plato's account, 3, n, 32, 187; Sargasso Sea as, 29; sub- mergence, question of, 22; Termier on, 14 Avezac. M. A. P. d', 8, 114 Avienus, 27 Ayala, Pedro de, 65, 68 Azores, description, 164; floral and faunal indications of mainland con- nection, 21; Mayda and, 92; names of islands, 21; occurrence of name "Seven Cities" in, 78; two series on Bianco map of 1448, 122 Babcock, W. H., "Early Norse Visits," 6, 115, 172, 184; "Indications of Visits," 46, 57, 71, 86, 150 Baffin Land, HI, 184 Bahamas, 155, 163, 188 Barra, 181, 183 Basques, 8 Beauvois, Eugene, 131, 184 Beccario map of 1426, Antillia on, 151; reproduction of a photographed section (ill.), opp. 45; St. Brendan's Islands on, 45 Beccario map of 1435, Antilles, four islands, on, 153; Antillia on, 70, iSi. 153; Daculi on, 183; reproduc- tion of section (ill.), 152 Behaim globe of 1492, St. Brendan's Islands on, 47 Benedict, R. D., 38 Benincasa map of 1482, Antillia on, 70, 159; reproduction of section (ill.), 160 Beothuks, 123, 131 Bermuda and Mayda, 93, 188 Bianco map of 1436, Antillia on, 156; reproduction of section (ill.), 1795 Stokafixa on, 185 Bianco map of 1448, St. Brendan's Islands on, 46; two series of Azores, 122 Bimini (Beimini), 146 Bird names, 44 Birds, isle of, 166 Blaskets, 181 Blunt, E. M., 91 Boid, Captain, 170 Book of the Spanish Friar, 44, 55, 92, 165; on the Azores, 165 Bourne, E. G., 55 Bra, 181 Brazil (island), on Catalan map of 1375, 58; on Catalan map of about 1480, 61; on Dalorto map of 1325, 50, 56; 121; early maps, occurrence, 55. location and shape, 57; in place of Markland, 121; Mayda and, 83; on Nicolay map of 1560, 61, 121; Norse and Irish omission of name, 66; St. Lawrence, Gulf of, and, 59, 187; Seven Cities (island) and, 68;