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LEGENDARY ISLANDS Brazil (continued) on Sylvanus map of 1511, 65; two on the same map, 121-122 Brazil (word), derivation, 50, 52; spellings, 50; various applications, 121 Brendan (Brandan; Brenainn), St., adventures, Lismore verson, 34; explanations of Brendan narratives, 35; exploration 34, 48, 187; prob- able basis of fact in narratives. 38 Brendan's (St.) Islands, 34; on Beccario map of 1426, 45; on Behaim globe of 1492, 47; on Bianco map of 1448, 46; on Dulcert map of 1339, 42; Hereford map testimony, 38; on later maps, 48; on the Pizigani map of 1367, 43 Bretons, exploration, 8, 84 Brown, A. S., 78 Buache, N., 78 Bullar, Joseph and Henry, 79 Buss Island, 174, disappearance from map, 177; discovery, 175; map (ill.). 176 Cabot, John, 10, 55 Canary Islands, mainland connection, question of , 2 1 ; tradition concerning St. Brendan, 39 Canerio map, 146 Cape Breton, 118-119, 127, 132, 135, 185; Mayda and, 92, 93 Cape Cod, Mayda and, 92. 188 Capmany Antonic de, 54 Carthaginians, Corvo and, 167; statues and coins, 169 Cartier, Jacques. 59 Cartwright, George, 123 Catalan map of 1375, Brazil (island) on, 58; Mayda on, 84; reproduction (ill.), 58 Catalan map of about 1480, Brazil (island) on, 61; Fixlanda (Iceland) on, 141; Greenland on, 62. 06, 120; reproduction of section (ill.), 64 Catholique, La, 180 Cerne, 27 Chau Ju-Kua, 2 Chesapeake Bay, 119 Christy, Miller, 175, 176, 177 Churchill Collection, 140 Clavus map of 1427. Greenland on, 105, 139; reproduction of section (ill.), 104 Coins found in Corvo, 167 Columbus, Christopher, 10 Columbus, Ferdinand, "Life of Chris- topher Columbus," 69, 71, 140, 144 Conigi, Li, 8, 165, 172, 182 Coombs, Captain, 100 Coppo map of 1528, Greenland on, 96; reproduction (ill.), 97 Corvo, 22; ancient memorials, 166; comparative representations on maps (ill.), 172; equestrian statues. 168; Mayda and, 92, origin of name, 164; Pizigani map of 1367 and, 168 Cuba, 153, 162, 163, 188 Daculi, 181; on Pareto map of 1455, 183 Dalorto map of 1325, Brazil (island) on, 50, 56, 121 ; mythical islands on, 181; reproduction (ill.), 51 Dawson, S. E., 48 Demons, 37, 89; islands of, 178 Desceliers map of 1546, Greenland on, 99; Mayda on, 87, reproduction of section (ill.). 76; saintly islands on, 1 80; Seven Cities (island) on, 75 Devil Rock, 91 Diodorus Siculus, i, 4, 16, 42, 166 Disko, 184 Dragons, 37, 83, 149 Drogio, first mention, 124, 127; mean- ing, 133; region designated, 132; spelling, 132; on Zeno map of 1558, 126 Dulcert map of 1339, St. Brendan's Islands on, 42 Edrisi, "Geography," 7, 39, 166, 168; on the isle of birds, 166 Egerton MS. 2803. See World map in portolan atlas of about 1508 Emmanuel (ship), 175 Emperadada, Encorporada, Encorpo- rade (Incorporado), 180 Equestrian statues, 168 Eric the Red, 101, 108, 109, 115 Eskimos, no, in Espinosa, Alonso de, 39 Esthlanda, 131 Estotiland, 122; derivation, conjectures, 130; first mention, 124, 127; on Prunes map of 1553. 131; region designated, 130; on Zeno map of 1558, 126 Estotilanders, 131