Page:Lest We Forget The Sisters of Providence in Civil War Service.djvu/26

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ing August 16, 1861, which gave in full the sad record.

Report of the Surgeons of the Military Hospital

"To Miles Murphy, Inspector-General:

"Dear Sir: In obedience to your rerequest, we cheerfully furnish for your disposal, the following brief report of the number of patients treated at the City (Military) Hospital, Indianapolis, with the results.

"The Hospital was secured for the exclusive use of the sick soldiers on the 29th day of April last, since which time the names of six hundred and forty have been entered on the register, in connection with the diseases named below:

Measles 430
Varioloid 1
Intermittent Fever 32
Remittent Fever 13
Bilious Fever 25
Typhoid Fever 7