Page:Lest We Forget The Sisters of Providence in Civil War Service.djvu/27

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Catarrhal Fever 2
Bronchitis 1
Pleurisy 1
Pneumonia 26
Congestion of the Brain 1
Cholera Morbus 2
Dysentery 26
Obstinate Diarrhea 28
Delirium Tremens 5
Acute Rheumatism 4
Mumps 4
Neuralgia 1
Inflammation of the Tonsils 1
Inflammation of the Liver 1
Bad Rupture 1
Sun Stroke 1
Erysipelas 1
Burn 1
General Debility 1
Diseases of the Eye 8
Private Diseases 7
Fracture of the Thigh 1
Gun Shot Wounds and Other Injuries 8

"Of these cases, five hundred and ninety-three have recovered and been discharged, thirteen have died, and thirty-four remain under treatment, all of whom are likely to recover, save one.

"When it is remembered that a large number of cases, less violent, were treated at the different camp dispensaries, and