Page:Lest We Forget The Sisters of Providence in Civil War Service.djvu/28

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only the most severe ones sent to the Hospital, the ratio of mortality, only about two per cent, will appear small.

"It is proper to mention, also, that of those who died two were in a hopeless condition from delirium tremens when received, and two others died in consequence of surfeiting with cherries when convalescent after measles.

"We furnish, in this connection, the names of those who died, together with the Company and Regiment to which they belonged:

  • C J. Overman, Co. K, 8th Regiment
  • Edward Spaulding, Capt. Chancey's Co., 12th Regiment
  • John W. Lyon, Co. H, 9th Regiment
  • David Easler, Co. B, 12th Regiment
  • Henry L. Sibbard, Capt. Bracken's Cavalry
  • Jacob Bowman, Co. F, 15th Regiment
  • William H. Bates, Co. C, 1 3th Regiment
  • John Raper, Co. K, 14th Regiment
  • John Jackson, Capt. Jacob's Co., 19th Regiment
  • William Lynch, Opt. Jacob's Co., 19th Reg.
  • John B, Jackson, Co. D, 14th Regiment
  • Henry Brown, Co. B, 17th Regiment
  • William F. Atville, a Virginian