Page:Lest We Forget The Sisters of Providence in Civil War Service.djvu/29

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"The case of varioloid was discovered in Camp Sullivan early in May, and was managed with the greatest possible secrecy, in order to prevent the troops from becoming panic-stricken.

"In order to save the great cost of erecting and furnishing suitable quarters for the sick of the different regiments, and providing the necessary cooks and nurses, it was arranged by you in the month of June, that all the very sick should be sent to the City Hospital. This, owing to a severe epidemic of the measles, made additional accommodations indispensable, and a long but cheap building was constructed near the rear of the Hospital, which answered a most excellent purpose. This building is now used for a summer kitchen, dining room and wash-house, while the basement of the main building is being thoroughly cleansed and white-washed.