Page:Letter from L. J. Papineau and J. Neilson, Esqs., Addressed to His Majesty's Under Secretary of State on the Subject of the Proposed Union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada.djvu/5

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London, May 10, 1823.


WE have now the honour, conformably to your desire, to submit for your consideration our observations on the proposed measure of uniting the Legislatures of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada; and on the clauses of the Bill for that purpose, as amended by a Committee of the Honourable the House of Commons, and printed by order of that House on the 31st of July last.

For the facility of reference we have annexed to these observations a copy of the Bill, as reprinted in the French and English languages in Lower Canada, and circulated throughout that province, previous to the subscribing the petitions against it.

Before entering into the subject, we have to