Page:Letter from L. J. Papineau and J. Neilson, Esqs., Addressed to His Majesty's Under Secretary of State on the Subject of the Proposed Union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada.djvu/6

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apologize to you for the delay which has occurred, and for not transmitting these observations till after your reiterated recommendation to that effect.

His Majesty's Government having, at the last session of Parliament, consented to postpone the proposed measure for a time, sufficient to enable His Majesty's subjects in the Canadas to make known their sentiments thereupon; and these, together with the heads of their objections to this measure, being expressed in the following documents, now in the possession of His Majesty's Government, viz.,

1. The Petition of the Inhabitants of Lower Canada.
2. The Petition of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada.
3. The Petition of the Legislative Council of Lower Canada.

We flattered ourselves that it would not be necessary to trouble His Majesty's Government with our observations on a measure, which nine-tenths of the inhabitants, and all Constitutional Authorities of the Colony to which we belong, so earnestly pray His Majesty to avert, "as fraught with much evil." Copies of the aforementioned documents are annexed in an Appendix under the letter A.

We have also the honour to inform you, that we have been intrusted with Petitions against the