Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/52

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ACT of13 George III. recited 1
ACTIONS, Mode of Proceeding, wherein Indian Inhabitants are concerned 11
ADMIRALTY, Court of, Powers to be exerciſed by the Supreme Court 29
————— Extent of Jurisdiction 30
————— Affidavits and Affirmations to be taken 31
ADVOCATES and Attornies to be approved by the Judges of the Supreme Court 8
————— Removable on reaſonable Cauſe
APPEALS may be refuſed by the King 34
————— To the King in Council, in Civil Actions 32
————— Security to be given for Coſts and Performance of Judgment 33
————— Not to be allowed, unleſs preferred within Six Months, and unleſs the Matter ſhall exceed 1000 Pagodas 35
APPEARANCE, in Failure of, the Party to be arreſted 14
————— Sheriff may take Bail for, and Proceedings thereon 15
ARRESTS, Governor-General and Council, Chief and Puiſne Juſtices,to be free from, except for Treaſon or Felony 35
BAIL, Sheriff may take, for Appearance 14
CHAMBERS, Eſq; Robert, to be One of the Firſt Puiſne Juſtices 6
CHARTER of 26 George III. to be void, after Publication of the Supreme Court 37
COMPANY, Recital of former Proceedings, where they are either Plaintiffs or Defendants 17
————— To appoint an Attorney to act for them 18
————— Form of Proceedings where they are intereſted
————— Refuſing to appoint an Attorney, the Court may 19
CORONERS to be the Chief, and Three Puiſne Juſtices 4
COURT of Record appointed, to be called the Supreme Court of Judicature 3
——— Room, for holding Supreme Court, to be provided 35
CRIMINAL Proceedings to be conducted in the like Manner as in England 23