Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/53

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( 42 )

DEFENDANTS to ſuffer Judgment by Default of Appearance, or reſufing to make Defence 13
ECCLESIASTICAL Juriſdiction may be exerciſed by the Supreme Court 26
EFFECTS may be ſeized by Writ of Execution 13
————— Seized to be in the Court's Diſpoſal 14
FEES to be ſettled by the Court, and approved by the Governor-General and Council 9
Copy thereof to be ſent to Europe
Table of them to be hung up in the Court
FINES levied by the Supreme Court reſerved to the Crown 32
————— Satisfaction to be made to Proſecutors out of them
GOVERNOR-General and Council to be free from Arreſts, except for Treaſon or Felony 35
————— Their Goods and Eſtates may be ſeized and ſequeſtered
GUARDIANS to Minors and inſane Perſons to be appointed by the Court 29
HYDE, Eſq; John, to be One of the Firſt Puiſne Juſtices 6
IMPEY, Eſq; Elijah, to be the Firſt Chief Juſtice 6
INDIAN Inhabitants, Cauſes between them, say be tried by the Supreme Court, for all exceeding 500 Rupees 11
————— Natives, Diſputes, between them and Britiſh Subjects, may be determined by the Court 23
JUSTICES, a Chief and Three Puiſne, to be appointed by the King 3
————— Their Qualification
————— To act during Pleaſure
————— To be Juſtices of the Peace 4
————— To have like Authority as the Court of King's Bench in England
The Four, or the Majority, to concur
————— The Chief to have a caſting Voice
Their Salaries and Rank 5
The Firſt named 6
Chief and Puiſne, to be ſworn 36
All future, to take the Oaths preſcribed before they can act
KING, Power reſerved to him, to refuſe an Appeal 34
KING's Officers and Subjects to be obedient to the Supreme Court