Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1.djvu/173

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First Letter

Highnesses may believe for certain, that this battle was won, rather by the will of God, than by our forces, because weak was the defence of our four hundred against forty thousand warriors.

After we had become good friends, they gave us, during the four or five days we still remained there, some one hundred and forty dollars of gold in pieces of all kinds, and very thin, and so much esteemed by them that it seemed their country was very poor in gold, because it appeared certain that the little they possessed had come from other parts in trading. The land is very good and provisions are abundant, both in maize, as well as fruits, fish, and other things which they eat. This town is situated on the banks of the afore-named river, about which extends a plain, where there are many farms and cultivated fields, such as they have. He [Cortes) reproved them for the evil they did in adoring their idols and gods, and he made them understand that they should come to the knowledge of our Very Holy Faith, and he left them a large wooden cross set up on an elevation, and they remained very satisfied, saying they would hold it in great veneration, and would adore it; thus these Indians became our friends and vassals of Your Royal Highnesses.

The said Captain Fernando Cortes left there, continuing his voyage, and we arrived at the port, and bay, which is called San Juan, where the above-named Captain Grijalba traded, of which extensive relation has heretofore been made to Your Majesty. Immediately upon our arrival, the natives came to inquire what caravels were those which had arrived, and as it was very late that day, almost night, the Captain remained quietly in the caravel, and ordered that no one should go on shore. Early the next day the Captain landed with a great part of the people of his armada, and found two of the principal Indians there, to whom he presented