Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1.djvu/174

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Letters of Cortes

certain of his own valuable garments, and, speaking to them through the interpreters, he gave them to understand that he hail come to these parts, by command of Your Royal Highnesses, to speak to them, and to tell them what they should do to advance your service. For this he besought them that they should immediately go to their town, and call the cacique, or caciques who might be there, to come and speak to him; and, to ensure their coming, he gave them two shirts for those caciques, and two jackets, one of silk and one of velvet, also various caps, and some hawk's bells; so they went with these valuables to the said caciques. The next day a little before noon one of the caciques of that town came, to whom the said Captain spoke, and made him understand, through the interpreter, that he had not come to do them any hurt nor injury, but to inform them that they were to be vassals of Your Majesties, and how they were to serve them and to pay tribute of what they had in their country, as did all who are such. And the cacique answered that he was very satisfied to be such, and to obey, and that he would be much pleased to serve them, and to have such high Princes for lords as the Captain had made them understand Your Royal Majesties were. Immediately afterwards, the Captain told him that, since he was so well disposed towards his King and Lord, he would see what great favours Your Majesties would grant him in the future; and, saying this, he made him put on a shirt of holland, and a robe of velvet, and a girdle of gold, with which the said cacique was much pleased and happy. He told the Captain then, that he wanted to go to his country, and asked him to wait for him there, for the next day he would come back, and bring him such things as he had, so that we might more fully understand his good will towards the service of Your Royal Highnesses. Thus he took his leave, and departed; and, the next day, the said cacique returned, as