Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1.djvu/292

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Letters of Cortes

He dressed himself four times every day, in four different kinds of clothing, all new, and never would he be dressed with the same again. All the lords who entered his palace came barefooted, and, when those whom he had summoned appeared before him, it was with their heads bent, and their eyes on the ground, in humble posture; and, when they spoke to him, they did not look him in the face, because of respect and reverence. I know they did this out of respect, for certain lords reproved the Spaniards, saying, that when these latter spoke to me, they would behave with a lofty demeanour, looking me in the face, which seemed to them disrespectful and shameless. When Montezuma went out, which happened rarely, all those who accompanied him and those whom he met in the street, turned their faces aside, and in no wise looked at him, and all the rest prostrated themselves until he had passed. One of the lords, who carried three long thin rods, always went before him, and I believe this was done to give notice of his approach. When he descended from his litter, he took one of those rods in his hand, and carried it as far as he went. The ceremonies which this sovereign used in his service were so many, and of such different kinds, that more space than I have at present would be required to relate them, and even a better memory to retain them; for I believe none of the Sultans, or any infidel sovereign of whom we have had information until now, has ever had such ceremonial in his court.

I have been occupied in this capital in what seemed to conduce to the service of Your Sacred Majesty, and in pacifying and winning over to it many provinces, thickly peopled countries, very great cities, towns, and forts; and in discovering mines, and learning and inquiring into many of the secrets of Montezuma's dominions, as well as of others which border on them, of which he had information. These are so many and so marvellous, that they are almost incredible. In this, I have been