Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1.djvu/303

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Second Letter

us, and capture us by force, and that for this purpose he had confederated with the natives, especially with Montezuma, by means of his messengers.

When I saw how manifest was the harm which would result from the aforesaid proceedings against Your Majesty, especially as I was told of the great force he had brought, and Diego Velasquez's mandate that, as soon as he seized us, he should hang me, and others who were designated, I did not hesitate to approach nearer to him, believing that I might make him understand the great disservice which would result to Your Highness, and dissuade him from his evil intention and malicious disposition towards us.

I continued my way, and fifteen leagues before arriving at the city of Cempoal, where Naraez was camped, there approached me the chaplain sent to me by the citizens of Vera Cruz, by whom I had written to Narvaez, and the licentiate Ayllon; he was accompanied by another cleric, and a certain Andres de Duero,[1] householder of the Island of Fernandina, who had also come with Narvaez. They told me, on the part of Narvaez, in answer to my letter, that I might still obey and recognise him as my captain, and that I must yield the country to him, otherwise I should be punished, as Narvaez brought great forces with him, and I had very few, for besides the many Spaniards he had brought, most of the natives were in his favour; and that, if I would deliver the coimtry to him, he would give me all the ships and provisions I desired, and would allow me to go away with them, and all those who wished to leave with me, taking everything I desired without any hindrance from him. One of the clerics told me that Diego Velasquez had authorised this offer, and had given his instructions to Narvaez and the two clerics jointly, so that, in this matter, they could make all the concessions I wished. I answered, that I did not

  1. A secretary of Diego Velasquez.