Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1.djvu/304

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Letters of Cortes

perceive any warrants of Your Highness, directing me to deliver the country to them, and that if Narvaez brought any he should present them before me and the Municipal Council of Vera Cruz, according to Spanish law and custom, when I would be ready to obey and comply with them; but that, until then, I would not do as he said for any interest or concession, for I, and those who were with me, would rather die in defence of the country, which we had won and held pacified and sure for Your Majesty, than turn traitors, or forfeit our loyalty to our king. They advanced many other propositions to win me over to their project, but none would I accept without having seen the warrants of Your Highness authorising me so to do; and these they could not produce

In conclusion, these clerics, Andres de Duero, and myself, agreed that Narvaez and myself, with as many others,
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should meet with perfect surety on both sides, when he would satisfy me of the warrants if he had brought any, and I would give my answer. I, on my part, sent him a safe conduct, signed, and he also sent me another, signed with his name, which as it seemed to me he had no thought of observing; for he had planned that, during the visit, some way or other should be found to kill me suddenly, and two of the ten who were to come with him had been designated to do this, while the rest were to fight with my attendants. They said, as a reason for this, that, once I was dead, their business could be finished; and in truth it would have been, if God, who in such cases intervenes, had not succoured me by a certain warning, which one of those concerned in the treachery had sent me together with their safe conduct.

Knowing all this, wrote a letter to Narvaez, and another to the three commissioners, telling them that I had discovered their treacherous intention, and would not go as had been agreed. I immediately sent them certain requisitions and mandates, by which I required