Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1.djvu/305

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Second Letter

Narvaez to make known to me any warrants he brought from Your Highness, and that, until he had done so, he should not, under certain penalties I imposed, call himself captain or justice, or meddle with any duties pertaining to the said offices. In like manner, by the same mandate I commanded all the persons who were with him not to regard nor obey him as captain or justice, and summoned them, within a certain time designated, to appear before me, that I might instruct them what was proper to do in Your Highness 's service. I gave notice that, if they did otherwise, I should proceed against them as perfidious traitors and wicked vassals who had rebelled against their king, and sought to usurp his country and dominions, to deliver them to persons to whom they did not belong, and who had no claim nor right to them; and also in the execution of this order, that if they did not appear before me, or obey my mandate, I would proceed against them, and imprison them according to the law, Narvaez's answer was to imprison the notary who delivered the mandate, and the persons accompanying him, and to take from them certain Indians who accompanied them, who were all detained till another messenger arrived whom I sent to inquire after them. Before them he made a display of force, and threatened them, and also myself, if I did not deliver the country to him.

Seeing that I could by no means prevent this great calamity and evil, and that the natives of the country were revolting, and rising day by day, recommending myself to God, and disregarding all injury that might follow, considering that if I died in the senrice of my king, and in the defence and upholding of his countries against usurpation, more than sufficient glory would cover me and my company, I gave my mandate to Gonzalo de Sandoval, alguacil mayor, to seize the persons of Narvaez, and those who called themselves alcaldes and municipal officers. I placed eighty men under his orders,