Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu/397

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Sandoval, Gonzalo de, death, I, 53, 281
note on, II, 22
expedition to Chalco, 23ff
expedition to Tlascala, 29ff
return to Chalco, 37, 38
position during siege, 61
wounded, 72
sent to help Otomies, 103
negotiates with Tapia, 140
San Estevan del Puerto, foundation of, II, 174
San Hipolito, feast of, II, 129
San Juan de Puerta Latina, I, 133
San Juan de Ulua, island of, derivation of name, I, 17
note on, 132
San Martin, I, 271
Santiago de Cuba, I, 125
Santiago, Spanish battle-cry, II, 38
Segura de la Frontera, foundation, I, 308
change of site, II, 163
mutiny at, 164
Settlements, Spanish, I, 126
Siege, beginning of the, II, 60
duration of, 129
Singuatepecpan, II, 248
arrival at, 249
Christian propaganda at, 252
Slavery, Cortes sanctions servitude of natives, II, 147, 148
natives branded and sold, 166
Cortes orders branding, 199
the trade, 332ff
Small-pox introduced by Spaniards, II, 6
Solis, Juan Diaz de, discovers River Plate, I, 15
Sotelo builds the catapult, II, 117
Soto, Diego de, II, 140
South Sea, inquiries concerning, II, 131
efforts to reach, 131ff
Spain, New, name proposed by Cortes, I, 322
Strait, search for the, II, 207ff
Tabasco, discovery of river, I, 131
fighting at, 147
Tacuba, destruction of, II, 34
Taiza, Cortes marches towards, II, 269
Tamazollan, I, 319
Tanjuco, note on, II, 190
Tapia, Cristobal de, his dealings with Cortes, I, 29
arrival at Vera Cruz, II, 138
note on, 138
Tasco, tin mines of, II, 204
Tecuichpo, Princess, I, 318
Tehuantepec, expedition to, II, 196
Temple, the great, I, 260
note on, 345
Tenayucan, II, 34
Tenciz, character of the province of, II, 278
Tenochtitlan, Mexico, note on, I, 330ff
Teotihuacan, pyramids of, I, 248
Tepeaca, expedition to, I, 308
slaves in, 309
garrison at, II, 6
Tepepolco, quarries of, II, 66
Teutepil, II, 31
Texcoco, description of and note on, I, 247, 248
canal built at, II, 58
Tezcatlipoca, I, 340, 341
Tezmulocan, II, 10
Tiac, arrival of Cortes at, II, 268
Tianguiz, II, 92
Tithes, first levied in Mexico, II, 216
Tlalmanalco, II, 42
Tlapanecatl, leads assault, II, 88
Tlascala, republic of, I, 32
character of the people, 32, 33
note on, 197
wall of, 199
hostilities in, 201ff
peace concluded, 207
description of city, 209
feud with Cholula, 220
loyalty of people, 303
events in, 305
native of, rescues Cortes, II, 50
Tlatelolco, I, 330
Torquemada, Juan de, life and writings, I, 116
Tozopan, II, 41
Trade, relations with Hispaniola, II, 217
Treasure, list of first, I, 170
collected in Mexico, 253
division of, 255
fate of the, II, 210, 211
Truce, Mexican flag of, II, 13
Trujillo, foundation of, II, 311
Tuchintecla, I, 245, 246
Tupilcos, province of, II, 234ff
Tututepec, two towns so named, II, 164
Tzilacatzin, his exploits, II, 89
Valdenebro, Diego, II, 140