Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu/398

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Valleja, Pedro de, at San Estevan, II, 174
outgenerals Grijalba, 183, 184
Vassals, perfidy of the Mexican, II, 84, 85
doubt the Spaniards, 98
Velasquez, Diego, conquers Cuba, I, 6, 7
character, 7, 8
quarrel with Cortes, 10ff
sends first expedition to mainland, 16, 131ff
second expedition, 18, 137ff
appoints Cortes Captain, 18
instructions to Cortes, 19
suspicious of, 20ff
note on, 125
intrigues with Olid, II, 213
Vendabal, Francisco Martin, captured at Tacuba, II, 50, 55
Vera Cruz, I, 157
reinforcements arrive at, II, 27
more arrivals at, 40
ammunition arrives at, 106
Verdugo, Francisco, II, 43
Villafaña, Antonio de, his plot and fate, II, 144, 145
Villafuerte, Rodriquez de, II, 43
Women, Spanish, during the conquest, II, 99
Xatlocan, attack on, II, 33
Xicotencatl, I, 204, 303
distrust of Spaniards, 319
his desertion and death, II, 63
Xiuhtepec, II, 46
Xochimilco, I, 194
note on name of, II, 49
fighting at, 49ff
Xoloc, capture of and note on, II, 69
Xuarez, Catalina, courted by Cortes, I, 11
marriage, 12
Xuarez, Juan partner of Cortes I, 7
Xuchitepec, I, 244
Yasa, river, II, 287
Yautepeque, II, 46
Yuca, note on, II, 243
Yucatan, note on, I, 123
discovery of, 127
Spanish prisoners in, 141
Yuste, Juan, his fate, II, 30
Zacatula, foundation of, II, 162
Zalapa, the river II, 236
Zapotecas, expedition against the, II, 197
report on expedition, 351
Zozolla, I, 317
Zuazo, Alonso de, sent back to Mexico, II, 233
imprisonment of, 321
exile of, 362
Zumarraga, Juan de, appointed president of audiencia, I, 56
letter to Charles V, 357ff
Zuñiga, Juan de, wife of Cortes I, 44