Page:Letters to Squire Pedant in the East.pdf/42

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times haffled, and occasionally he was grandiloquous. His senility and the vestiges of anterior debonnairity , furnished an essoin for his frequent expuitions and eructations. His epilogue abounded in magniloquence and escharotic pasquinade; it is subjoined verbatim, literatim and punctuatim.

“O my compatriots, and my belamies! do you not espy a crisis in your subastral vitality, in which you should depel your lethel incogitancy, and precogitate your ballotation. Remember, you are plenipotent, aye, multipotent to strangulate the present malign assuetudes and abutions of the incumbent whig dynasts – armipotent to prevent a new bevy of politicasters to convive upon you like so many sanguisuges upon insensate quadrupeds; – my competitors are nothing but empiric, neonomians, neoterics, inflated neophytes to their party, jackadandies, perfect droils, ostentous and unwilling to moil: — more connusant in cicisbeism than civil economics, whose collimation is to be the beaumonde and saginate their macilent microcosms on the cess of the leod; are mere covenous slang whangers and skipkennels to a whig junto – mere wealsmen whose sermocinations are nothing but blandiloquence and illecebrous teratology; and who are as inane of true civism as the Russian Autocrat is of canailleism. I obtestate you, my senile and junior democratists, to redintegrate the dimication for the eversion of whiggarchy, and for the rehabilitation of primordiate omniparity in the Republic. Recall to your souvenance, the policitations of the present regents, and their entire inanity. Would you not lever be under a stratocracy, gynarchy, and even a gynecocracy, than under glavering whiggarchy, or federal timocracy? I conjure you to be thoroughstitches in your colluctancy to whig dition. I obsecrate you, opporents to austral mancipation, to effectuate a uni-