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I N D E X.

Quality: (Engliſh) fond of, and cheriſh, the Polite Arts, p. 209.

Queen Caroline. Her Elogium. She protects the Sciences, p. 79.


Rays. Difference in the Rays of which Light is compos'd, according to Sir Iſaac Newton's Syſtem, p. 145.

Religions, (Plurality of) theſe very neceſſary, and of Advantage to the Happineſs and Proſperity of the Engliſh, p. 45.

Retz (Cardinal de) His Character, p. 56.

Revenue (yearly.) A great Number of Commoners in England, have two hundred thouſand Livres per Annum, p. 68.

Revolution. A ſingular one of the Earth newly diſcover'd, p. 159.

Richey, (Mr.) a Gentleman of Hamburgh, complains to the Author of ſome Particulars in the Hiſtory of Charles XII, p. 246.

Rochester (Earl of) His Elogium, p. 197. A beautiful Paſſage from his Satyr againſt Man, imitated by our Author, p. 202.

Romans. A Parallel between that People and the Engliſh, p. 52.

Rousseau (the Poet) his Zeal for Religion, p. 253.

Ruscomb. A Town in Berkſhire, where William Pen died, p. 33.

S. Sects.