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I N D E X.


Sects. Engliſh properly the Country of them, p. 34. Philoſophers will never form religious Sects, becauſe they are not enthuſiaſtically inclined, p. 107.

Shakespear. The firſt Poet who made the Engliſh Theatre conſpicuous, p. 166. His Character, ibid. The high Eſteem the Engliſh have for his Writings productive of ill Effects, p. 167, & ſeq. Part of the famous Speech in Hamlet tranſlated into French, p. 173, &c.

Socinians. Who compoſe that Sect in England, p. 46. Sir Iſaac Newton and Dr. Clarke favour'd their Opinions, p. 48. Reflections on the State of that Sect, p. 49.

Sorin (Mr.) cenſures the Syſtem of Attraction, p. 137.

Soubise (Prince of) dies of the Small-Pox in the Flower of his Youth, p. 81.

Soul. The Ancients ignorant of the Nature of the Soul. Opinions of the Fathers, of the Schoolmen, and of the modern Philoſophers, p. 95, & ſeq.

Spectacles (Publick Shews). Forbid on Sundays in England, and alſo Cards and all other kind of Diverſions, p. 43.

Steele (Sir Richard) Author, of ſeveral fine Comedies, p. 190.

Steinbok (Count of) one of the Swediſh Generals forms a Reſolution to burn Altena, p. 246.
