Page:Life and Select Literary Remains of Sam Houston of Texas (1884).djvu/12

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The Alamo — Goliad — The Fall of one, the Massacre of the other — Movements of Gen. Houston, before and after these Memorable Event — Movements Preparatory to the Battle of San Jacinto
Battle of San Jacinto — The Hero Chieftain and the Hero Soldiers — Gen. Houston's Report — Col. Robison's Report of Capture of Santa Anna — T. Houston's Address and Exercises at Unveiling of Memorial-Monument
Capture of Santa Anna— Statement of Joel W. Robison, Esq. — Introduction of Santa Anna to Houston — Conversation — Scene with Young Zavala — Almonte — Arrival of the Government ad interim — Houston Leaves the Army — Goes to New Orleans for Medical Aid — The Cabinet Treats with Santa Anna — Troubles — Extract from Hon. Ashbel Smith's Speech at Austin in 1879
Houston's Election to the Presidency — Departure of Santa Anna to Washington City — His Conduct — Sent to Vera Cruz in a U. S. War Vessel — Memorandum of Gen. Houston for Santa Anna
Recognition of Texan Independence — Close of Gen. Houston's First Term as President — Gen. Felix Huston — Efforts to Conciliate the Indians — Mirabeau B. Lamar elected President
The Succeeding Administration the Reverse of Houston's — Houston a Member of the Texan Congress — Santa Fe Expedition and its Result — War on the Indians — Letter to Anthony Butler — Estimate of the Patriotism and Public Virtues of M. B. Lamar and D. G. Burnet
Jen. Houston's Second Presidential Term — The Exchequer System of Finance — Annexation — Rumors of Invasion by Mexico — Veto of Bill to make him Dictator — The Excitement — Appeal to the Great Powers for Recognition of Independence
Impressions produced by the Appeal to Great Powers — Annexation — Correspondence with Hon. Mr. Van Zandt — Attitude of the United States, France, and England — Views and Positions of President Tyler