Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/133

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pied the chair, spoke on the occasion; and also several of the members: all evinced great interest for the prosperity of Missions amongst the natives of the forest. The Rev. W. Case gave a general statement of the Missions, and a vote of thanks was given to the members of the Methodist Missionary Society for their indefatigable exertions. I took this opportunity, on behalf of my native brethren, to express our thanks for the interest white christians were taking on our behalf. A collection was then taken up for the purchase of books for the schools.

Saturday 23rd. — This morning my brother John and I received a summons from the House of Assembly to attend at their committee room at 10 a. m. We accordingly went and appeared before the Committee for enquiring into the religious state of the Province. They enquired when the work of reformation first commenced among the River Credit Indians, who was the first converted, by what means, and how long ago? They also made enquiries as to the state of the various missions, and who were employed as missionaries and teachers amongst them. We gave them the best information we were able. My brother John and his pupils went, at the request of Lady Sarah Maitland, to the Government House, that the Indian children might exhibit their improvement before the Lieutenant Governor and others. They sang some of Watts' hymns, repeated their Catechism, and some of their reading and spelling lessons. The Governor and his lady appeared highly gratified, and kindly presented the children with books and several yards of flannel, saying they hoped they would persevere in their learning, &c. In the evening we returned to our own lodgings, where we met the Rev. Mr. Scott, a Baptist Minister, from New Brunswick, who was appointed by the "New England Corporation Society" in England, as missionary for the River Credit Mission. He was very friendly, and said that he did not wish to interfere with the arrangements of the