Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/230

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of my conversion to God. When the meeting was dismissed, crowds of the people pressed forward to the altar in order to shake hands with us with expressions of christian affection and gratitude to God for what they had seen and heard. I said to myself, “These people have very warm hearts.”

Sunday 12th. — At half-past 1, p. m., I preached to a large congregation in Light Street Church from Mark xvi. 15. The people paid the greatest attention throughout the meeting. Brother Case made a few remarks. A collection was made for our Missions. At 3, p. m., we met the Sunday School teachers and children at Eutaw Street Church, which was crammed to overflowing. There were more than 3,000 present. Brother Case and myself addressed them. The children appeared much pleased with what they heard from us. In the evening I endeavoured to preach at the Old Town Church from Isaiah xxxv. 1. I found it very hard to speak, on account of the close hot air; however, the people heard me patiently to the end.

Monday 13th. — In the afternoon we met the ladies in the Light Street Church. It was thought there were more than 2,000 ladies present, and it was truly an imposing sight. Brother Case and myself spoke at length, and told them the former and present state of the Indian women in Canada. This was one of the most interesting meetings we have had since we came to the States. The ladies seemed highly delighted with what they heard. A collection was made in aid of our Indian Missions. When the meeting was dismissed, the good sisters came forward to shake hands with their Indian friends. I never saw warmer hearted ladies before. God bless them, and hear their prayers in our behalf! In the evening we had a meeting in Caroline Street Church.

Tuesday 14th. — Received a number of presents from our friends here, in books and clothing for our Indian Missions. At half-past 2, I preached a short discourse to the Africans, in