Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/263

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vice of the Lord. We also pointed out the great evil of intemperance, as it destroyed both soul and body. We concluded by singing and prayer. All these Indians appear to be willing to become Christians; except one whose name is Kahzhuhgans, the wild cat, who, we were informed, was totally opposed to Christianity. I enquired of them where they would wish to locate themselves? They replied, at Saugeen. It was a remarkable fact, that during our stay with this people, the hunters were unable to kill any deer, although they went out every day, but returned without game, whereas our party killed more than we wanted, so that we were able to supply the wants of our brethren. This success had a good effect upon them, as they saw with their own eyes that our praying Indians had better success in hunting than themselves. I took advantage of it, and told them that the Great Spirit whom we served, gave us everything necessary for our need, and that the objections of the pagans relative to the Christian Indians not being able to take any game were untrue. That true Christianity was good for the blessings of this life, as well as that life which is to come. In my humble judgment the reason why our Indian friends could not kill any game was, their minds were so powerfully wrought upon from the words of God they heard from us, as to engross their whole attention; therefore they could not see the game at the proper time, nor shoot straight when they attempted to kill the deer. About 2, p. m., we bade them farewell, and left for our canoes at the lake, where we arrived about 4, p. m. We went a few miles and then slept on the beach, about a mile from the carrying place of the River Aux Sable, or Naguhweseebe, the Sandy River.