Page:Life and life-work of Mother Theodore Guerin Foundress.djvu/41

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Christian comes with the regenerating waters of baptism. Each sacramental grace thereafter bestowed should strengthen and render more fruitful this inherited mission. The words of St. James, Faith without works is dead,[1] clearly designate this apostolic duty; as also do those of St. Paul to Titus: Of these things I will have thee affirm constantly that they who believe in God may be careful to excel in good works.[2] It is clear, further, that the general ethical principle, do good and avoid evil, is a twofold precept; but the positive part, allowing freedom of choice in many cases, is frequently overshadowed by the peremptoriness of the negative command; and, in the lethargic tendency to drift through life with as little inconvenience as possible, "sins of omission " is a category too often removed from human view.

But a living, efficacious faith bears continually in mind this dual commandment; it realizes that he who hath nobility hath obligations; that the high dignity of the Christian vocation imposes exalted duties; and it urges to pursuits, not according to the Ciceronian precept, do good because of the nobility of goodness, avoid evil because of the disgrace it brings, but according to the motive it discerns in the pure light of divine illumination — the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

While the principles of action by which individuals are governed originate both in constitutional tendencies and in environment, to educational influences is largely due the sentiment of faith so elevating and inspiring,

  1. James ii. 20.
  2. Titus iii. 8.