Page:Life and life-work of Mother Theodore Guerin Foundress.djvu/42

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so productive of beautiful examples in the devout Christian home, whether in the order of action or of suffering. Thérèse Guérin's soul unfolded to the religious influences of her surroundings like the opening bud to the morning sun, and the perfume of her innocent life was wafted afar, a delight to all who could discern and appreciate the beauty of youthful piety and filial devotedness.

Madame Guérin was not one of those who taught by precept rather than by example; on the contrary, it was from what they saw rather than from what they heard that her children received their strongest impressions. Her life was laborious and full of sorrows; yet a firm and energetic faith always sustained her in her multiplied afflictions; her sincere piety recognized in all the power that knoweth to draw good from evil; and, though she could not penetrate the mystery of the cross, God's holy will be done was ever on her lips. Nevertheless there are times when the soul's energy does not find adequate sustaining power in physical strength; thus was it now with Madame Guérin, and nature gave way beneath the shock of her husband's tragic death. Though she would say repeatedly, The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be His holy name! though she would teach the children at her knee that as sorrow was Our Saviour's portion it is likewise the portion of all His true followers; though she knew He wounds but to heal, her faith and resignation could now yield their testimony only in the passiveness of extreme debility. Broken in health, wounded in affection, reduced almost to destitution, the shock to her nervous system left her