Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/132

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The police have orders to prevent these suicides, and they now rarely take place. On one occasion, a pilgrim who had thrown himself down before the approaching car, that he might expiate his sins and gain heaven, was spied by an English officer. Riding up, he began to lay his whip upon his naked back. The devotee was ready for martyrdom, but the flogging he had not bargained for; so, betaking himself to his heels, he was soon out of danger. The government tax, formerly paid by pilgrims at the shrine of Juggernaut, is not now collected. It is a great cause for congratulation that England has determined that her great name shall no longer give lustre and dignity to the hideous, cruel, and debasing idolatry of India. The Brahminic priesthood see in this fact one of the symptoms of their approaching downfall. Soon may it come, and Jehovah of hosts alone be known and worshipped as God and Lord of this and every land!

Youth of America! scenes far different from these surrounded you in childhood. Influences far different from these were made to bear upon your opening minds. Lessons far different from these were those you first learned. Remember, then, that to whom much is given of them will