Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/133

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much be required; that for all the high favours you enjoy at the hand of God you must render an account. May your lives answer to your light!

Housekeeping in Madras.

After a two months' residence at Chintadrepettah, during which we pursued the study of the Tamil language with a native teacher, Royapooram, a district three miles distant, was assigned to us as our station, by the mission. We had hitherto been guests, but this decision set us busily to work preparing for the new undertaking of housekeeping in Madras. It was the month of April, here one of the hottest months of the year; and it proved warm work going from bazaar to bazaar with an interpreter, in pursuit of gridiron and spit, pestle and mortar for rice-pounding, stone and roller for grinding curry stuffs, and the numerous essentials of an Indian house. Furniture can be had in Madras at a reasonable rate at the auctions held for the sale of the effects of Eng-