Page:Life in Motion.djvu/219

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follow, however, that mental phenomena are the result of such movements alone. Wider knowledge strengthens the view that behind mental phenomena, and indeed behind all phenomena, there is something more than movements of matter and transformations of energy.

My task is now at an end. I have had great pleasure in delivering these lectures, because I felt that in endeavouring to interest you I was instructing myself You have got a glimpse into the world of science, and I hope the glimpse will induce many of you to ask for more knowledge. Science is simply the truth about natural phenomena, so far as we can reach it. Some of you may become men of science, and you will probably advance much farther than we can do at present, and you will add to science, I hope, by your own work. The majority, however, will not follow scientific pursuits, but I trust this course of lectures will lead you always to keep a mind open for the reception of truth, from whatever quarter it may come, and that you will always cherish a lively sympathy with scientific men and with scientific progress.