Page:Life in the Old World - Vol. I.djvu/46

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where I greatly enjoyed myself, as, indeed, was the case with the social intercourse in Switzerland, from which I experienced only pleasure unmixed with the weariness which so generally oppresses me in parties assembled for the pleasures of conversation. The advantage here is, that it is so easy to enter both with gentlemen and ladies upon subjects of general interest, and to meet with persons who have thought on these subjects with more or less independence of mind. Even young girls can speak both sensibly and with interest of the various church establishments in the cantons, and their relationship to each other. Two pretty, young sisters told me, this evening, many things of interest relative to the Free Vaudois Church, in the high valleys (Pays d'en haut), which is asserted to be the most vitally illumined portion of this church. They vividly described the picturesque assemblies, and the divine worship in the open air, the beautiful singing, etc.

I spent last evening with M. and Mme. de Gr., at their beautiful country house, with its glorious view over the lake and mountains. But from every point around this lake are there lovely, magnificent views, and they contribute not a little to the peace and enjoyment of a social meeting. In the face of a beautiful evening sky, the thoughts become brighter and more cheerful. The people conversed together, and there was music. I noticed with pleasure the simple toilettes of the young ladies, and their agreeable, unpretending demeanor. There was no gossip nor idle talk. Health, and the peace of quiet thoughts, seem to rest upon these daughters of the Alpine land. Two married daughters of England's