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a fleet at Ezion-geber for the Tarshish trade, God sent his prophet to tell him, that because of his alliance with Ahaziah, even in this secular enterprise, his fleet should be destroyed; and the ships were accordingly shattered to pieces by the winds.

Joram, (2 Kings iii. 16,) or Jehoram, (2 Kings iii 1,) successor to Ahaziah, king of Israel, was the second son of Ahab. Though he put away the worship of Baal, he was still a very wicked king. (2 Kings iii. 3.) After the death of Ahab, the king of Moab refused to pay the annual tribute to the king of Israel, which he had been accustomed to pay; and Joram determined for this cause to wage war with him. He secured the aid of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and they went up through Edom, whose king also joined the expedition. After seven days march, they found themselves likely to be cut off by a severe drought. In this extremity, they besought the help of Elisha the prophet, who had followed the army, (probably under a divine influence.) Elisha at first referred him to the gods of Ahab, his father, and his mother, Jezebel, for succor; but finally, for the sake of Jehoshaphat, he consented to interpose for their relief, and received a command from God to make the valley full of ditches. This was done, and then, without wind or rain, at a particular hour of the next morning, water came, not from the springs, into which they dug, but from Edom, and supplied the army and the country with an abundance of water. (2 Kings iii. 20. Comp. Ex. xvii. 5. 6.)

Jehu, (2 Kings ix. 2.) The son of Nimshi, and grandson of Jehoshaphat, was selected by God to reign over Israel, and to be the instrument of executing his judgments on the house of Ahab. (1 Kings xix. 17. 2 Kings ix. 1—10.) In executing this commission, he commenced with the reigning king, Joram, who was then lying ill at Jezreel. Having been proclaimed king by a few adherents who were with him at Ramoth-gilead, he proceeded towards Jezreel. Upon his approach within sight of that place, Joram despatched two or three messengers to ascertain his design; and finding they did not return, he went out himself to meet him. It happened that they met on the ground of Naboth the