Page:Light and truth.djvu/182

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Jezreelite, (1 Kings xxi. 1 — 24;) and Jehu at once charged him with his gross iniquities, and immediately shot him dead in his chariot. (Comp. 1 Kings xxi. 19, and 2 Kings ix. 2.3.)

Jehoahaz succeeded Jehu, his father, and reigned twenty-eight years in Israel, and did not depart from the sins of his predecessors, for which his kingdom was delivered into the hands of Hazael king of Syria, to whom he became tributary; he reigned seventeen years.

Joash succeeded Jehoahaz, his father, about 835 years B. C, and reigned 16 years over Israel; he did evil in the sight of the Lord. During his reign the prophet Elisha died.

Jeroboam II., the 13th king of Israel, succeeded his father, Joash, A. M. 3179, and reigned 41 years. He was a very wicked prince, but raised his kingdom to great outward prosperity. (2 Kings xiv. xv.)

Zechariah, or Zachariah, the son of Rehoboam, reigned but six months over Israel. (2 Kings xv.)

Manahem, the General of Shallum, in his turn filled the throne; he extorted a thousand talents of silver from the people to buy off Pekah, king of Assyria.

Pekah, next reigned over Israel. During his reign Tiglath Pileser destroyed many of the cities belonging to the Jews, and carried the people captive into Assyria.

Hosea, the same with Joshua. (Deut. xxxii. 44.) The son of Elah, and the last of the kings of Israel. (2 Kings xv 30.) In the ninth year of his reign, the Assyrian king, provoked by an attempt which Hosea made to form an alliance with Egypt, and so throw off the Assyrian yoke, marched against Samaria, and after a siege of three years, took it, and carried the people away into Assyria. (2 Kings xvii. 1—6. Hos. xiii. 16. Mic. 1. 6.)


After Judea became a province of the Roman empire, governors or procurators were appointed and sent thither from Rome. This was the office held by Pontius Pilate at the time of our Savior's crucifixion. Sometimes the word governor is used as a general title for ruler.