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requested Pharaoh to let him return to Edom. And this he probably did, as we find him mentioned as Hadad the Edomite, and the adversary of Solomon.—(1 Kings, xi. 14— 22.)

Alexandrians. A class of Jews, natives of Alexandria, a city of Egypt in Africa, and speaking that language. They were very numerous at Jerusalem.—(Acts vi. 9.)

Bernice, (Acts xxv. 13, 23,) or Berenice, as the name is sometimes spelled, was the daughter of Agrippa, surnamed the Great, and sister to the younger Agrippa, king of the Jews. She was first betrothed to Mark, son of Alexander, governor of the Jews at Alexandria. She however married her own uncle, Herod, king of Chalcis. After his death, she married Polemon, king of Pontus, but abandoned him, and, returning to Agrippa, her brother, lived with him in incest. They sat with pomp to hear Paul preach. (Acts xxv.)

Joseph, (Gen. xxx. 24,) son of Jacob and Rachel, was born in Mesopotamia, A.M. 2256, and married the daughter of one of the priests or princes of Egypt, and had two children, Manasseh and Ephraim.

Manasseh. (Gen. xli. 51.) The first-born of Joseph. When he and his brother Ephraim were boys, and Jacob, their grandfather, was about to die, Joseph took them into the patriarch's presence, to receive his blessing. On this occasion, he adopted them into his own family, as his own children, and in a most significant and interesting manner, predicted the superiority of Ephraim over Manasseh, as it respected numbers, &c. (Gen xlviii. 5—20. Comp. Num. i. 32, 33 35: ii 18, 20: Ps. lxxx. 2.)

Ephraim. 1. A person. (Gen. xli. 52.) The second son of Joseph. Though younger than Manasseh, he was the object of peculiar favor; and the prediction of their grandfather Jacob was literally fulfilled (Comp. Gen. xlviii. 8—20: Num. ii. 18, 21.)

Ephraim. 2. Tribe of—occupied one of the most eligible sections of the Land of Promise. The Mediterranean was on the west, and the river Jordan on the east, a portion of Manasseh on the north, and parts of Dan and Benjamin on the south. The city of Shiloh was