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which betrayed the person of the mischevious Matilda, her companion in arms being no other than John Lom, as of old, playing off his tricks on the Major.

The following is an account of how the imposition was carried out. The Captain seeing the great anxiety manifested by the Major to see the Australian natives, resolved upon amusing himself at his friend's expense. He therefore forestalled the Major in his visit to the Forbes', and finding only Matilda at home, a plan was immediately arranged, that both should disguise themselves and represent Quandak and Maria. Having secured the assistance of Quandak, Maria, and Donald, they were duly painted and robed, the Captain in a large opossum skin cloak, and Matilda in Bella's squirrel skin dress, each being armed with a long spear.

Being fully prepared, the Major, as anticipated, made his appearance, and not finding anyone at home, he begged the servant (who was put on the alert by the captain) to send in the Australian blacks, in order to amuse himself before the party returned from their walk. The servant having communicated this to the captain and his partner, they immediately entered into the room where the Major was waiting, who, upon seeing the swarthy couple, was highly amused. Patting the female's head, the Major gallantly remarked—"Pity you are so black, with such handsome features," when the imagined husband seemingly jealous at such freedom towards his wife, drew his spear, which compelled the startled Major to seek refuge in a corner; he then drew his sword to defend himself. This action induced the female to join her husband, when both attacked the luckless officer, who, on parrying one blow, received a thrust in his side from the other. It was in this plight the party found him, streaming with perspiration from exercise and fear, anathematising his cruel tormentors, who, on seeing the returned party desisted, to the great relief of the Major, who was greatly annoyed when he discovered the trick.

A few days after this the marriages took place, and the party proposed a trip to the Highlands, to visit George at Kinlochlinn. Charlie and Bella prevailed on