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Mr. Forbes to allow Catherine to accompany them, that the nuptials between her and George (which had been delayed for some time) should take place, and which would save the latter being carried away by the profligate habits of Lord Lundy.

Hiring a small steamer from the Clyde, the whole party arrived at the entrance of Lochlinn on a beautiful summer's afternoon.

With feelings of joy and happiness, Charlie and his wife viewed all the endearing and well-remembered scenes of their happy childhood. Each spot which recalled many incidents connected with their first love was pointed out by Bella as she rested on her husband's arm, standing on the quarter-deck of the steamer, which glided swiftly through the smooth waters of Lochlinn. But on coming abreast of the rocks which had nearly proved fatal to her on the morning the pony ran away with her, a cold shiver came over her. This feeling soon vanished on coming in sight of the ruins of Ni Ruari's boothy, the delapidated appearance of which told plainly that its mysterious tenant had gone to her long home. The strange revelations made to them by her flew to their memory for the first time since that memorable day, and the remarkable truthfulness of the prophecy now forcibly struck them.

"You are perfectly right, she would tell a person's fortune to a T," exclaimed Mary, who, with her husband, was indulging in the same reminiscences.



On landing at Kinlochlinn the party proposed to take George by surprise, and therefore did not send him notice of their arrival, they accordingly walked direct from the place of landing to his house. On their going through the copse-wood, game of all descriptions started before them and Donald, who was carrying a fowling-piece, longed to have a shot at them. Walking up to