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Great were the rejoicings among the tenantry and all others in the district on hearing of the arrival of its present proprietor, Charlie Stuart and his wife, for whom they had mourned for years.

A bonfire on an extensive scale was given by the proprietor in commemoration of the happy event which every person on the estate attended. Games and sports of all descriptions, calculated to enliven the guests, were introduced. After the banquet dancing was commenced which was kept up with great spirit. About one o'clock Charlie led his lovely wife to seek the refreshing, air on the balcony, when they halted on the very spot where ten years before they had exchanged the sighs of ardent love. Ten years! and through what vicissitudes they had passed during that period! So awful that they were now almost afraid to think of them! Would it were in reality a dream! "Yes! ten years!" whispered Charlie, "and you are as lovely as ever."

A great rustling of silk and shuffling of feet could now be heard by them, and the whole company came out to inhale the fresh air.

It was now proposed that a procession should be formed, when each gentleman leading his partner, was to proceed to the side of the lake, and see what was going on there; they accordingly started, the whole being led by Charlie and his wife. Immense cheering, and throwing of hats and bonnets, met the new proprietor and his wife, as they walked among the tenantry, and many blessings were heaped upon them.

Around one of the fires was seen a crowd of curious spectators apparently enjoying something which was quite novel in the Highlands, judging by the strange sounds issuing from the group and the additional spectators it was constantly receiving. Charlie and the party now directed their steps towards it, when they beheld to their astonishment, a representation of an Australian corroboree.