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The author of this novelty was John Lom, who had engaged the services of Donald, Quandak, Takawarrant, his old servant and our old acquaintance Popgun. They were blackened and decorated according to Quandak's instructions, and being armed with long spears, they went through their wild dance to the tune of Maria, who was beating time as she sang the strange air in her native tongue.

The impression which this produced among the superstitious Highlanders was most striking. The dark spectres, whose wild and curious attitudes were increased by the glare of the fire, reminded the spectators of descriptions they had heard of the inhabitants of the lower regions.

When the leader of the dance perceived by the looks and gestures of the spectators, that their superstition was raised to its highest pitch, he gave a pre-arranged signal, when they all shook their spears in the air, gave one simultaneous yell, and darted towards the thickest part of the crowd, as if charging them.

This produced great alarm, a passage was made for them through the dense and terror-stricken crowd. Men and women screached and yelled, some were sprawling on the ground, and some clung frantically to each other, while their supposed enemies made their escape to the castle.

Charlie and his friends succeeded, after some time, in pacifying the people, and convinced them that their imagined spectres were really human, and meant to do them no harm. When order was at length restored, they found that the casualties were only a few bruises scratches, &c. The dancing was then resumed, and kept up for some time, until the advancing morning warned them that it was time to return to their homes, when the corroboree became the staple of their future evening fireside tales.

The marriage of George and Catherine was another joyful event, which succeeded the bonfire, and added one more to the links of happiness and friendship, which Charlie and his wife had brought about among the people.