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This ceremony, which greatly pleased the majority of the assembly, particularly the owner of the hound, had made a far different impression on the noble host, who saw two of his schemes miscarry. However, as the principal and more praiseworthy feat was yet to come on, in which his own superiority would be displayed, he withheld his disappointment.

This was the last and most exciting event—the steeple-chase, the winner of which was to receive a beautiful milk-white lady's pony, fully caparisoned, and which he was to present to the fair lady of his choice, among the beauties of the assembly.

The equestrians were mounted, and soon took their station before the castle; but, on looking over the list of entries, Charlie Stuart was missing; and it was not until the last sound of the horn that he made his appearance.

It has been already stated, that Charlie was an excellent horseman, and his indulgent parent purchased for him the best bred hunter that could be found in the country; not that the Highland hills were adapted for such costly cattle to hunt over, or travel, but only for the name and honour of possessing such an animal.

This horse—"Black Prince," was a very powerful animal, and having very little work to perform, became very fiery, spirited, and almost unmanageable. Having a long rest while his owner was away at the University, he showed more restlessness on this occasion, than formerly, especially before the grand display which the castle presented.

On mounting at the stables, Charlie was unable to bring his charger to the start, which was under the balcony that the equestrians might receive the congratulations of its fair occupants; but if the truth must be told, it was rather that the principal competitors would be able to display their handsome persons on their beautiful thoroughbred hunters. Charlie finding persuasion unavailing, and time up, applied whip and spur to his headstrong charger, who seeing any more opposition vain, bounded off to the castle as if he was going to charge the cavalcade. The brilliant assembly of ladies gave a scream of affright on seeing "Black Prince" with his