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rider approaching with such a threatening attitude; but the skilful equestrian curbed his fiery animal in time, brought him submissively into his place in the ranks pawing the ground, and tossing his glossy black mane, as if looking with contempt on his companions.

Many exclamations might be heard from all parts, particularly from the balcony, such as—"How grand! What a splendid animal! How beautifully he curbs him!" &c.

Lord Lundy and his cousin, the gallant Captain, who were two of the best horsemen in England, and mounted on magnificent thoroughbred hunters, were thunderstruck at the sight of Black Prince and his rider, never for a moment expecting to meet such a promising mount in the wild Highlands. A shade of disappointment passed over their countenances, and the Captain, drawing close to his cousin, whispered in his ear, "I fear, my noble cousin, the day means to go against us, and that this match will share the fate of the others."

"It seems like it, Captain; but mind, if I fail, you must uphold our honor."

"I will do my best, my Lord; but who would expect to meet such horseflesh among these mountains?—and if I mistake not, a good horseman, too. See how well he is at home: an excellent seat, by George!"

"Don't you think the animal is rather heavy for such work; surely our thoroughbred cattle ought to show the way over these leaps, particularly the last rasper; there's nothing like blood, Captain!" the latter answered by a dubious shake of the head.

The start now took place, and the whole cavalcade made for the first of the leaps, which were all composed of stone walls, Lord Lundy and his cousin clearing it beautiful, Charlie afterwards, and the others bringing up the rear. In this order they kept for some time, the English horses proving superior in speed and taking the leaps at the same time, while Black Prince followed at some distance, hard held, but clearing the leaps at least a foot higher than the others. The hard pace now began to tell upon the leading pair, when Charlie giving his horse more rein, soon closed, and the three took the second leap from home together.