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visible confusion when he himself met her gaze, with suspicious looks from the Captain. Unable any longer to withstand such a sight he strolled out on the balcony to cool his heated brain.

We must here state that Charlie's charges against his fair neighbour were unfounded in this instance, although appearances went very far to confirm these suspicions.

Many attempts were made by Lord Lundy during that evening to overcome the coy maid's prejudices against him, and ingratiate himself in her estimation. He eloquently pleaded his cause, and begged that she would forget his rash and thoughtless conduct towards her at the Bridge of Linn, which he would now give worlds to recall. All these flattering protestations were unavailing; although Bella forgave him, she could never forget, or return the attachment which he professed towards her.

The Honorable Captain lent his powerful aid as mediator, but Bella cut him short by informing him in explicit terms that she could never listen to the addresses of any man breathing, however exalted, who would act such a dishonorable part, or conduct himself in such a manner towards any unprotected female, and therefore wished to bury the subject for ever, otherwise she would be compelled to shun the company of any person who would introduce the subject.

The Captain, not wishing to be deprived of such pleasant company, and seeing any further pleading fruitless, dropped the subject, and turned the conversation towards the channel which he well knew the current of his fair companions thoughts ran, namely, in extolling Charlie Stuart's manly and accomplished qualities. The blushing cheeks, the downcast looks, and the stolen glances at the object of his enconiums, plainly told the experienced officer how her young heart was engaged; and little did Charlie think, at that moment, that those glances, which he so unjustly interpreted, were the dumb symbols of overflowing love towards himself.

When the young man issued from the hall, tormented by conflicting feelings, he encountered his servant Donald, who, apparently, had partaken of a share of his