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own malady, stepping moodily the whole length of the balcony.

"How is it, Donald," asked his master, "that you are not among the gaiety yonder at the lake."

"Not to give you an ill answer, Mr. Charlie, I care but little for their enjoyment, for I think one half of them are going daft, particularly the girls; there is that Mary Grant, with her head stuffed with high notions crammed into it by that flunkey Brown, and too proud to give a poor countryman a look, and if these glass doors tell the truth, I think her young mistress is infected with the same distemper."

This was a home thrust to his master, who could not deny its truth; but the following conclusion to Donald's grievance brought a smile to his countenance:—"I wish I had an opportunity to cure them of that notion."

"How could you cure them?" inquired his master, curious to know his servant's remedy for curing Highland girls' love for Englishmen.

"Bless you it is the easiest thing in the world; just if these spindle-shanked Englishmen were coaxed to wear our Highland dress for one night, not a single Highland girl would ever look at them afterwards.

Light as his young master made of Donald's cure, the latter proved its efficacy, as will be seen hereafter.

Their conversation was now interrupted by the appearance of Mr. McKay, who was in search of Donald to play the "Reel of Tulloch" on his pipes, as the English gentry were very anxious to see that interesting dance.

Mr. McKay pressed Charlie to join in it, and both re-entered the ball-room, when her father approached Bella, inviting her to dance with her old partner Charlie Stuart, as his Lordship, who was sitting by her side, did not like to dance the reel, being ignorant of it.

With what alacrity and visible joy the young girl sprang to her partner's side at this intimation. A bird released from its captivity could not show more happiness than the charming girl when clinging to her lover's arm on their way to the end of the hall, to take their places. What a revolution came over the motions and